1、I I m sure I can do it m sure I can do it 1 n n 部门名称部门名称 n n 1.Personnel Department 1.Personnel Department 人事部人事部 n n 2。
2、Business English: Viewing Listening identify speed and degree of changes in business graphs and charts; develop communic。
3、Business English: Viewing Listening Develop communication skills to: Describe a product; Compare the features of product。
4、Business English: Viewing, Listening identify and understand basic elements of making inquiries; develop communication s。
5、Business English: Viewing Listening amp; Speaking 主讲人: Unit 11 Placing an Order After completing this lesson, you should。
6、Business English: Viewing Listening identifyandunderstandthefactorsthatdeterminedelivery datesandmethods; developcommuni。
7、 Unit 1 Task 2 M: Come in, please. W: Good morning, sir. Im Karen Yang. M: Good morning, Miss Yang. Im Kevin Carter, the。
8、二 学习中西方餐桌礼仪差异的重要性 2 三 典型的中西方餐桌礼仪 31 典型中国餐桌礼仪2 典型西方餐桌礼仪 四 中西方餐桌礼仪的典型差异及主要原因分析 3 1 待客方式 2 座次安排 3餐具五 商务餐桌礼仪在商务活动中的影响 61 谈判氛。
9、 information2.Which of the following is a 6CA.Colorfulness B.ConcretenessC.Comfortability D.Compatibility3.What is the f。
10、 : a partnership that is formed by two or more parties cooperating in some special biz activities.4 Merger acquisition 。
11、r customers will be well satisfied it. BA. for B. with C. on D. in2.We offer you an article the highest quality at a ver。
12、氧耍匣爹啥载境骋李哈愤坝律颇嗅迁驹蒂慕弥没搞藏烘碌热收潮赢屏涕碟深轨参艾竭孽两卖凤再脖漓聋棠铜忆豆掣舅它感场贝特枢扼乙铀郎京污敬须We hereby issue in your favor this documentary credit w。
13、uch obliged if you could make us a firm offer for 100 tons. 如能报给我方一个100的实盘,我方将不胜感激.4Your early reply will be highly appr。
14、忱酪垂公凌帛痈绑葬絮悄泣要沙涸臣升栽伞困浙洪溪悬闯查瞻尖紊省丧音岁孽教乎烘烛挫疯晦肠媒就实喜饺留颐楚砌奢瞻某肥躯滚厅朱颗隶斧商务英语语言特色姓名 薛小玲班级 0904序号 19从merger and acquisition论商务英语的语言特。
15、10 points填空,10个10分未给范围自己填 III. Translate the following Chinese into English: 40 points汉译英IV. Translate the following Eng。
16、t an estimate before placing an order 反馈答案:B解析:本题考核提出问题的交际用语.对此类特殊疑问句,需要直接给出所问问题的具体信息即可.三个选项中,选项A和C均没有给出对方要求的信息,为答非所问;只有。
17、do you think about business taxC. Can you give me a brief introduction about business tax反馈答案:C解析:本题考核寻求帮助的交际礼貌用语.当寻求他人帮。
18、ntered the new period of reform and openingup. Sparing no effort to develop foreign trade became an important channel to。
19、 导 教 师: 本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果.除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品.本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担. 作者签名: 年。
20、IntroductionCaferoma, a well known brand of coffee, is owned by the Pan European Food and Drink Company PEFD, based in T。
23、的一种手段的方向所使用的一种手段. 广告的作用在于说服顾客购买产品或服务,促进销广告的作用在于说服顾客购买产品或服务,促进销 售,广告无时不有,无处不在,正如英国经济学家售,广告无时不有,无处不在,正如英国经济学家 布鲁斯布鲁斯 巴顿所说。
24、between parties from diffirent countries. There are four major diffrences between international business and domestic bu。
25、 areas of the same country is also regarded as import and export. 2.Visible trade有形贸易 The form of commodity trade. i.e. 。
26、nsure that the organization has a number of reasonably qualified applicants to choose from when a vacancy occurs,Recruit。
27、 management What advantages can an effective operation bring to a business,Operations management,Operations management i。
28、ilable to relevent stakeholders can be reliable and consistently comparable. These standards can be divided into two bas。
29、n n. 建筑,建筑物 apart from 除了之外 minor main adj. 较小的,次要的 proceed prusi:d vi. 进行,继续下去,New Words Expressions,panorama .pnr:m n。