八年级英语Modern machines课件4.ppt

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1、What is this?Computer Do you have one?laptopLets learn about itmonitormouse speakers drives keyboardCD-ROMDVD-ROM flash diskMore about computers.n n第一部真正可以称得上计算机的机器,则诞生第一部真正可以称得上计算机的机器,则诞生于于1946年年的的美国美国,毛琪利毛琪利与与爱克特爱克特发明的,发明的,名字叫做名字叫做ENIAC。这部计算机使用真空管来。这部计算机使用真空管来处理讯号,所以体积庞大(处理讯号,所以体积庞大(占满一个房间占满一个房间)、

2、)、耗电量高(使用时全镇的人都知道,因为家家耗电量高(使用时全镇的人都知道,因为家家户户的电灯都变暗了!),而且记忆容量又非户户的电灯都变暗了!),而且记忆容量又非常低(常低(只有只有100多个字多个字),但是,却已经是人),但是,却已经是人类科技的一大进展。而我们通常把这种使用真类科技的一大进展。而我们通常把这种使用真空管的空管的计算机计算机称为第一代计算机。称为第一代计算机。Group workn nComputers are useful today,we can use them to do a lot of things.Please discuss with your partne

3、rs“What can we use computer to do?”“What would you use computer to do?”“How long will you serve the Internet?”1.Not so many years ago,you hardly ever saw computers.always often hardly ever never100%0%seldom2.There are also many tiny,hidden computers in your home.small3.But you might be unaware of co

4、mputers.be unaware of:do not know about be aware of:know about4.You are more dependent on computers than you realize.You are dependent on your parents now.be dependent on:依赖于5.They can also type,print and draw.printer n.打印机print v.打印6.They can operate railways(like the underground).operate:control v

5、.操作,使运行7.The answer to this question is,for the time being,“No”.for the time being:at present 暂时8.In the future,they may even be better at doing their jobs than doctors,judges and teachers She is a judge.n.法官,审判员9.This raises interesting questions.raise:lift up (v.)举起、提出他提出了其他的问题.He raises other que

6、stions.The reporter raised her hand and she wanted to question.那位记者举了手,她想提问题.Matching&Learn them by heart.CD Rom keyboard drives mouse flash disk monitor speakers 鼠标 键盘 喇叭 显示器 只读光盘 闪存盘/U盘.驱动器 hide dependent on hardly ever tiny be unaware of realize 难得 极小的 不知道 意识 隐藏 依赖于 rarely operate railway print i

7、mportantly spaceship eletronic brains 印刷 宇宙飞船非常少 轨道操作 电脑核心 重要地Read the text quickly and finish the exercise on P46 C Find the meaningC1.BCBABAC2.DEACBskimming PracticeFill in the blanks with the proper words in the box probably,realize,hide,tiny,raise,control,judge,model,1.Many people dont _ trees are so important to us.2.I saw many students _ their hands.realizeraising3.Computers maybe do better than _ in the court.4.He cant _ himself to smoke after a few hours.5.Hong Kong is a _ city.6.Computers _ change our daily life in many ways soon.


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