八年级英语Modern machines Writing课件.ppt

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1、Unit 3 Modern machinesUnit 3 Modern machinesWritingWriting Comparing two objectsCompare the two cars and complete the passage with the given words. to remember the ways of comparing.Complete Robins letter to Peter below.Use the words in the box and the information from the table to he

2、lp you.Change word forms if necessary.Possible answerMore practice假如你叫peter,刚从老家湖南的一所光明中学转到深圳,现在在人民中学初二(3)班读书.现在的学校和你以前的很不一样,请参照表格的内容向你的笔友Robinson介绍你就读的学校和以前的学校有什么不一样.Guangming Middle SchoolRenmin Middle SchoolArea(面积)10,000 sq m20,000 sq mClasses 1236Students 6001600Lab(实验室)25Library No1Gym(运动场)Only one small playground1 gym,1 big playground,basketball courtScenery(景观)Very old,with some big treesNew building,Beautiful gardens


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