八年级英语Modern machines课件1.ppt

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1、Unit 3 Modern Unit 3 Modern machines machines Listening and speakingFilling in an order formRead the table carefully.Pay attention to the words that describe the products(产品)such as colour,size,quantity and price.Write down the information as quickly as possible.Words study supply 提供提供,供应供应 company

2、公司公司 ballpoint pen 圆珠笔圆珠笔 medium 中等的中等的,中号的中号的 order 定单定单 reference 称标识称标识,编号编号 price 价格价格 TOP OFFICE SUPPLIESCompany name:_Customer name:_Customer No.:_Hi-Lo CompanyMable WangKY-73620Refernece No.Product Color/SizeQuantity Price(each)Total J-1505ballpointpensblack3 boxes¥38¥114(1)A4 paper(2)(3)(4)(

3、5)(6)(7)medium(8)¥190(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)Grand toutal:(16)tapescriptionGiving opinions,agreeing and disagreeing(P52)A:I think is better than.B:I dont agree.In my opinion,is better.A:But.B:I agree with you.Practice Do exercises B(P52)Useful question patternsAsk questions with these patterns:Do

4、 you ever use to?Do you have.?Do you enjoy?How do you?Is there?Would you like(to do)sth.?Do you ever use your left hand to write?Do you have a dog?Do you enjoy your holidays?Is there any questions?Would you like some coffee?PracticeShenzhen Daily is doing a survey on using computer among teenagers,I

5、n order to get more information,The reporter will ask you some questions.Please answer his(her)questions.R=reporter S=studentR:Have you got a computer at home?S:Yes,I have got one.R:What do you use it for?S:I usually use it to _.Sometimes,I _.R:Do you ever use it to _?S:Yes.(No.)I.Na-mesSeach the inform-tionPlay gamesWatch moviesChat on lineS1S2S3S4What would you like to use it for?S1:Do you often sue computer to _,S2?S2:Yes.I often use it to _.What about you,S1?S1:I usually use it to _.Because I think it is _.Do yo think so?S2:No,I dont so.I _.Make dialogues in pairs.


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