八年级英语Modern machines课件3.ppt

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1、 Unit 3 Modern machinesA2 Answer these questions about the conversation in complete sentences.1.What is Tonys opinion about Cantonese food?2.What does Joyce think of Sichuan food?3.Does Joyce agree that Cantonese food is hotter than Sichuan food?4.Does Tony agree that Cantonese food tastes better th

2、an Sichuan food?Tony thinks(that)Cantonese food is betterthan Sichuan food.Joyce thinks(that)Sichuan food is better thanCantonese food.No.She thinks(that)Sichuan food is hotter.Yes,he does.A3Possible answer:S1:I think Liu Huans voice is louder than Cheng Longs.S2:I dont agree.In my opinion,Cheng Lon

3、gs voice is louder.S1:But Cheng Longs voice is rougher.S2:I agree.Thats why I like it.Possible questions:1.Is there a computer in your home?2.Whose is it?/Who is the owner?3.Do you know how to use it?4.Do you enjoy using a computer?5.What are your three favorite computer games?6.Do you ever do your

4、homework on a computer?7.Would you like to use a computer to write e-mails?8.Do you use a computer to do anything else?9.Is the computer in your home connected to the Internet?10.Do you have a DVD-ROM drive in your computer?BDear PeterThanks for your letter.In reply to the question at the end,my par

5、ents bought a new flat!They looked at one in Peak Villa and one in Seaside Court.They chose Peak Villa.The flat there is(1)_ the flat in Seaside Court,but it has(2)_ rooms.It is also(3)_,and its price is(4)_.It is(5)_ the school,but it is(6)_ the market.Finally,the view from Peak Villa is(7)_ the view from Seaside Court.Ill send you a photo in my next letter.Best wishesRobin bigger than fewer more modernhigher nearer to farther from better than


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