八年级英语Modern machines课件2.ppt

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1、 Unit 3 Modern machinesApatible c.an idea f.connecting two or more things e.connected with soldiers or an army b.made of many different parts;difficult to understand j.able to be used togetherAwork8.scholars9.reliable10.multimediaa.succeed in dealing with a problem h.system of things connected to ea

2、ch other i.specialists in a branch of knowledge d.that can be trusted to do something well g.using sound and pictures in addition to text on a screenStep 1Turn on the computer.Step 2Step 3Step 4Step 5Step 6D Fill in the table.Click on the Internet icon.Type in your user name and password.Wait for th

3、e Internet to connect.Type in the address of the website.Press“enter”and wait for your website to appear.AbbreviationsAbbreviations are words that we makeshort so that we can write more quickly.e.g.mm USA p.s.United States of Americapostscript millimetre(s)A 1.AD 2.BC 3.C 4.e.g.5.etc.6.hr(s).7.i.e.i

4、.after Christs birthg.before Christs birth k.Celsius h.for example b.and the resta.hour(s)l.that is,in other words8.kg 9.m10.NB11.No.12.sq cm13.UN14.wt.j.kilogram(s)m.metre(s)n.pay attention to;note well f.number e.square centimetres c.United Nations d.weightB Complete the following with numbers and

5、/or abbreviations.1.He was born in 120 BC and lived for 80 years.Therefore,he died in _ _.2.She was born in 120 AD and lived for 80 years.Therefore,she died in _ _.3.Todays temperature is 32.8 _.4.The page is 28 cm by 21 cm.Therefore,its area is _ _ _.5.Alans weight is 82 _.40 BC200 ADC588 Sq cmkg6.

6、_:Do not use the lift if there is a fire.7.Our city has many forms of transport,_,buses,taxis and underground.8.You must eat more fruit apples,oranges,bananas,_9.Walk along the _ 7 Street,and turn right at the first crossing.You will find the cinema on your right.10.The _ came into existence on 24 October,1945.NB e.g.etc.No.UN


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