八年级英语Nobody wins课件18.ppt

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1、We use these words to talk about people and things when we do not know exactly who they are or what they are.Somebody and someone refer to people;something refers to things.The rules for some and any apply to somebody,someone and something.We use somebody,someone and something in positive statements

2、 and questions and anybody,anyone and anything in negative statements and questions.I saw somebody/someone/something.I did not see anybody/anyone/anything.Did you see anybody/anyone/anything?I saw nobody/no one/nothing.lThere is no difference in meaning between somebody and someone or nobody and no

3、one.lWe can use two forms of the negative sentence,e.g.,I did not hear anybody./I heard nobody.lNo one is written as two words.Amy:Can you hear anything,Tim?Tim:No,I cant hear anything.Amy:Can you hear anything now?Tim:Yes,I can hear something.It sounds like a bell.Amy:Can you hear anything,Tim?Tim:

4、No,I cant hear anything.Amy:Can you hear anything now?Tim:Yes,I can hear something.It sounds like a bell.a see anyone/see someone/looks/Davidb smell anything/smell something/smells/smokec see anybody/see somebody/looks/a manAmy:Can you hear anything,Tim?Tim:No,I cant hear anything.Amy:Can you see an

5、ybody/anyone?Tim:No,I cant see anybody/anyone.Test your memory by looking at the picture of the classroom below for one minute only.Try to remember where everything and everybody is.Then cover the picture.Work in pairs.S1 asks the following questions.S2 answers them in complete sentences.Then check

6、the answers together.1Was there anything on the blackboard?2Was there anything on the noticeboard?3Was there anything above the teacher?4Was there anybody sitting next to the window?5Was there anything under the teachers desk?No,there wasnt anything/was nothing on the blackboard.Yes,there was someth

7、ing on the noticeboard.Yes,there was something above the teacher.Yes,there was somebody sitting next to the window.No,there wasnt anything/was nothing under the teachers desk.6Was there anyone behind the teachers desk?7Was there anything on the bookcase?8Was there anything between the blackboard and

8、 the noticeboard?9Was there anybody coming into the classroom?Yes,there was someone behind the teachers desk.Yes,there was something on the bookcase.No,there wasnt anything/was nothing between the blackboard and the noticeboard.Yes,there was somebody coming into the classroom.Indefinite pronouns are

9、 used with singular verbs.Somebody is at the door.Has anything happened to her?Plural pronouns are used to refer to indefinite pronouns.Someone has left their coat behind.If anybody wants to go,they can.Do not make double negative structures in sentences when nobody,no one and nothing are used.Nobody doesnt want any tea.(wrong)Nobody wants any tea.(correct)1Workbook 8A,page 62.


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