八年级英语Nobody wins课件2.ppt

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1、We can use will with a verb to refer to the future.You come in peace,but tomorrow youll be in pieces.Youll see.Will can be used with all pronouns in the same form.IHeSheItWeYouTheywillbe readyarrivesoon.Note the short forms of will and will not.Ill/youll/hell/shell/well/youll/theyll I/you/he/she/we/

2、you/they wont Study the following:We will/Well land soon.They will not/wont take off next week.Will he be ready tomorrow?Yes,he will./No,he will not/wont.A Read the table carefully.B Talk like this:S1 When will the concert start?S2 Itll start at 5.30 p.m.C Talk like this:S1 Will Sue sing at 6 p.m.?S

3、2 No,she wont./No,she wont.Shell sing at 5.35 p.m.D Talk like this:S1 Will the concert end at 7 p.m.or 7.15 p.m.?S2 Itll end at 7.15 p.m.Work in pairs.You will both go hiking next week.S1 has made the arrangements.S2 asks questions about them.Use will(ll)or will not(wont)and the verbs in brackets.Ch

4、ange roles and do the exercise again when you have finished.The first one has been done for you.1S2 What time _ tomorrow?(leave)S1 _ at 8 oclock sharp.2 S2 What _ with us?(take)S1 _ food and water.3 S2 When _?(return)S1 _ at about 5 p.m.4 S2 _ a compass with us?(take)S1 Yes,of course.5 S2 _ it _ a difficult hike?(be)S1 Yes,it _.6 S2 _ in any danger?(be)S1 No,of course we _.We _ careful.1Workbook 8A,pages 50 and 51.


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