八年级英语Nobody wins课件15.ppt

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1、Daily Talk Questions for discussion:What are the main characters in“Nobody Wins”?What happened in part of Kings story?Why did King give his name as Nobody?How did King and his crew escape from Gorks cave?What happened to Gork at last?listeningUnderstanding time referencesPastOftenFuture1.Visit Venus

2、2.Eat green cheese from the Moon3.Use a telescope4.Escape from Gork5.Take some rubber plants to Mars6.Play computer games7.Take photos of dinosaurs8.Live on a comet verbs past tense past participlelieshakeinterruptaimhithopattack -lay -lain -shook -shaken-interrupted -interrupted-aimed -aimed-hit -h

3、it-hopped -hopped-attacked -attackedverbs past tense past participleknowwhispertakewakebringdamageclimb-knew -known-whispered -whispered-took -taken-woke -woken-brought -brought-damaged -damaged-climbed -climbed verbs past tense past participlefallmeltfeeljoinpanichappengo-fell -fallen-melted -melte

4、d-felt -felt-joined -joined-panicked -panicked-happened -happened-went -gone Find the meaningsbreathe noisilypulltowardspointatlight-producingline of lightstop shiningbe killedshow great fearno dangershape snore aim be done for figure laser beam panic go out attract safetyFind the factsWrite down wh

5、at the words in italics refer to.e.g.He was snoring.Gork 1.Well use this to escape from the cage.2.They shouted from outside.3.Nobody attacked him.4.He felt their backs with his hands to make sure we were not on them.5.Here,get inside this one.the laser torchGorks neighboursGork Gorks handskangaroos pocketsHomework Review the text,and try to retell the story


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