八年级英语Nobody wins课件8.ppt

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1、Match the words with their meaning.1to run out of something a to believe2to approach b to happen3to trust c to move suddenly4to spring d to have nothing left5to take place e to come near toWrite one of these words next to each clue.6a big,hard stonea _7a person who finds the right way for a ship or

2、planea _8a useful thing for you to catch micea _Circle the correct answers.9It is going to be/was sunny tomorrow.10Your plane takes/will take off before 10 oclock.11He met you at the airport,did/didnt he?12Dont open the window,will/wont you?Write at,on or in.9Can you come to the cinema with me _ Friday?10Perhaps.Ill phone you sometime _ the evening.11Can you ring _ 7 p.m.tomorrow?


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