八年级英语Nobody wins课件22.ppt

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1、Use the correct forms of the words in the box to complete the sentences.1He has _ everywhere for the keys.2She thought for a _ before speaking.3You look tired.You need to _ down and rest.4I was talking to Sally when Roger _ me.5She has not _ what she will wear for the party.Write one word in each bl

2、ank.Use each word once only.6The car which was _ us hit the back of our car.7That ferry runs _ Puxi and Pudong.8Please put your rubbish in the bin that is _ the door.9Are there _ roses in the garden?10I have collected _ information about UFOs.11Does _ have a calculator in their bag?12Question 63 was so difficult that _ got it right.13While she was on holiday,_ kindly looked after her cat.14_ frightened Peters was when he saw Gork,the monster!15_ an amazing brain Shakuntala has got!


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