八年级英语Nobody wins课件17.ppt

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1、Customer:Have you got any tea?Waiter:Sorry,we havent got any tea,but weve got some coffee.We use some and any to talk about amounts that are not definite or exact.We use some in positive statements aboutamounts.We use any in negative statements and questions.I have got some questions.She has not got

2、 any questions.Have they got any information?We use some and any before plural countable nouns(e.g.,questions)and uncountable nouns(e.g.,information).Customer:Have you got any tea?Waiter:Sorry,we havent got any tea,but weve got some coffee.a)cakes,sandwichesb)orange juice,apple juicec)chips,noodlesd

3、)milk,soya milklWe sometimes use some in questions when we expect the answer to be yes.Would you like some more tea?Can you give me some stamps?lWe use any in sentences with never.She never has any luck.lWhen we use some or any before the+a noun or before pronouns(this/that/his/her,etc.),we add of.I

4、 gave Amy some of the sweets.I saw them but I didnt speak to any of them.Are any of those buses going to Zhongshan Park?Work in pairs.S1 is Lam.S2 is Peters.They are checking their food supplies.Look at the food list on the right.S1 asks questions.S2 gives answers.Example:S1 Have we got any apples?S2 Yes,weve got some apples.S1 Have we got any beans?S2 No,we havent got any beans.1Workbook 8A,page 61.


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