


1、 现在完成时课内练 一短暂性动词转换为延续性动词或者表示可以延续的状态的短语. arrive at in sp get to reach sp come go move to sp be in sp at school at home on。

2、成否定句 they havent bought a computer5.He has lost his book.先改成一般疑问句,再作肯定与否定回答 has he lost his bookYes, he has. no, he hasn。

3、k. 他还没完成作业. 3.Have you read this novel 你看过这本小说吗 Yes , I have. 是的,看过了.No, I havent. 不,没看过.4. We have studied English for 。

4、 disappearance of Justin has made Kelly very unhappyJustin在过去失踪,但Kelly至今仍旧为他的失踪感到不高兴2表示过去开始的动作一直延续到现在.I havent seen Just。

5、完成进行时 将来完成时 的熟练程度教学重点过去完成时 现在完成时 现在完成进行时 将来完成时 教学难点掌握规律,正确做题教学过程一 课堂导入时态在高考中,单选会考1至2题,完形填空里面对副词的考查也是比较多的,所以也是需要好好掌握的语法点。

6、示 的 是 过 去 的 一 个 时 间 点 .比 较 过 去 时 与 现 在 完 成 时1 过 去 时 表 示 过 去 某 时 发 生 的 动 作 或 单 纯 叙 述 过 去 的 事 情 , 强 调 动 作 ; 现 在 完 成 时 为 过 。

7、继续延续下去. He has learned English since 2001. 从2001年开始学的,现在还在继续学着呢二基本句型结构 现在完成时的构成形式: have has 助动词done过去分词IYouTheyWe have t。

8、可能继续延续下去. He has learned English since 2001. 从2001年开始学的,现在还在继续学着呢二基本句型结构 现在完成时的构成形式: have has 助动词done过去分词IYouTheyWe have。

9、far, up to now, in the pastlast . years等疑难拓展:1. since 和 for的用法区别 since 用来说明动作的起始时间,for用来说明动作延续的长度. 1使用since的情况:since 一段时。

10、studied. Have I studied You have not havent studied. Have you studied He has not hasnt studied. Has he studied 否定疑问式 简单回。

11、并 持续到现在的动作或状态,往往和包括现在在内的表示一段时间的状语连用,如 recently, already, just, lately, for, since,yet 等.如: I havent heard from her these。

12、 I studied You have not havent studied. Have you studied He has not hasnt studied. Has he studied 否定疑问式 简单回答肯定 否定 Have I。

13、r, up to now, in the pastlast . years等 疑难拓展: 1. since 和 for的用法区别 since 用来说明动作的起始时间, for用来说明动作延续的长度. 1使用 since的情况: since 。

14、d in Beijing for 2 weeks,I have been to the Great wall and the Forbidden City. I have visited the Summer Palace and the 。

15、2.现在完成时态还表示过去某一时间已经开始并一直持续到现在包括现在在内的动作或状态,可以和表示延续的时间状语连用表示持续的动作或状态的动词多是延续性动词.We have lived here for ten years since 10ye。

16、可能继续延续下去. He has learned English since 2001. 从 2001 年开始学的 ,现在还 在继续学着呢 二基本句型结构 现在完成时的构成形式: have has 助动词 done过去分词 IYouThey。

17、能继续延续下去. He has learned English since 2001. 从 2001 年开始学的 ,现在还在继 续学着呢 二基本句型结构 现在完成时的构成形式: have has 助动词 done过去分词 IYouTheyW。

18、hasnt 过去分词 其他. 疑问式 : Have Has 主语 过去分词 其他 简略答语 : Yes, 主语 havehas.肯定 No, 主语 haventhasnt.否定 用 have, has 填空 : 1.I told him t。

19、 preparing for,Helen: I have not bought enough foods and drinks. I will buy more later,She has not bought enough foods a。

20、have already finished the homework. He has had his lunch. He has become a doctor. 我们老师已经离开了. Our teacher has been away. 。

21、在学习这一概念的同时,还应注意常与现在完成时态连 用的几个副词: already,just多用于肯定句中, yet,ever,never多用于疑问句和否定句中.如: I have already finished my homework. 。

22、 I have never traveled by air.改为一般疑问句 you traveled by airWeve got some books about the history.改为否定句 We books about the 。

23、entences, please,go last year,eat this morning,leave yesterday,give a moment ago,ride just now,write last night,catch wh。

24、ve never travelled there,用法之二:表示动作发生在过去,并一直延伸到现在,甚至还可能继续延伸下去,常与for, since连用.常 用延续性动词:study,live,stay,learn,know,teach,we。

25、t week.5.Are you doing your homework ,一般现在时,过去进行时,一般将来时,一般过去时,现在进行时,已学习过的时态,1.v原形 2. v三单,amisareving,1.willshallv原形2.be 。

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