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1、身体语言在英语教学中的应用摘 要语言是人类交际的重要手段。同语言一样, 身势语也是一种重要的交流方式。在英语教学中, 随着教学方法的不断改革, 教师应在课堂上为学生创造英语学习的良好氛围。然而, 由于学生词汇量有限, 教师必须通过面部表情及身体行为来简化自己的教学过程, 激发学生热情, 提高教学效果。作为在非语言交流中扮演着极其重要的作用,在老师和学生的互动中,身体语言可以完善口头信息和能有效的表达词语的意思。身体语言有助于激发学生的学习兴趣、提高教学效果。在英语教学中,使用身体语言能够提供英语学习的效率和优化英语课堂活动的设计。教师应充分利用肢体语言在课堂教学,并在同时应注意运用身体语言的原

2、则,以达到最佳的教学效果。因为很多的人际沟通是非言语的交流,学习肢体语言是有效沟通中最重要的技能之一。非言语交流的因素在理解对方的感受上尤为重要。当听众适当反映了她对说者身体语言的理解时,沟通可显著改善。本文着重讨论身势语在英语课堂教学中的具体应用及重要性。关键词:身体语言;英语教学;具体应用The Use of Body Language in English TeachingAbstractLanguage is an important means in communication. Likewise, body language is also an important communi

3、cate means. In English teaching, with the reform of language teaching and learning methods, teachers should create a better atmosphere in English class. However, with the limitation of students vocabulary, teachers have to simplify their teaching language with the help of facial expressions and body

4、 movements to arouse the students enthusiasm. As nonverbal communication plays a significant role in the interaction between teachers and students, body language can complement verbal messages and can communicate as effectively as words. Body language helps in motivating students interest and improv

5、ing the effect of teaching. Teaching English with the help of body language improve the efficiency of learning English and optimize the design of English classroom activities. Teachers should make good use of body language in classroom teaching and at the same time great attention should be paid to

6、the principles of using body language in order to achieve the best teaching results.Since so much of interpersonal communication is nonverbal, the study of body language is one of the most important skills of effective communication. The nonverbal elements of communication are especially important i

7、n understanding the other persons feelings. When the listener appropriately reflects her understanding of the senders body language, communication can be improved significantly.This paper lays emphasis on discussing the concrete application and significance of body language in English teaching.Keywo

8、rds: body language;English teaching;concrete applicationContents. Introduction6. General Study of Body Language7A. the Definition of Body Language 7B. the Differences between Verbal Communication and Non-verbal Communication7. the Necessity and Importance of Using Body Language in English Teaching8A

9、. the Limitation of Students Vocabulary and Expressive Ability8B. the Less Interest of Students in English Class9C. the Depressing Atmosphere in English Class9. the Concrete Application of Body language in Different Aspects9A. the Advantages of Using Body Language in Speaking9B. the Advantages of Us

10、ing Body Language in Listening10C. the Advantages of Using Body Language in Reading11D. the Advantages of Using Body Language in Writing12. the Use of Body Language in English Teaching at Different Stages12A. the Use of Body Language in Primary School12B. the Use of Body Language in Middle School13C

11、. the Use of Body Language in College13. Conclusion14. Bibliography 16. Acknowledgements17. Introduction For rapid changes in education reform, many teachers, students and parents are facing great challenges and stresses. Many of us may agree its directions for changes and missions proposed, and sup

12、port the alternative ways of teaching, learning and examination. In daily life, we use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people. We can learn a lot about what a person is thinking by watching his or her body language. Words are important,

13、 but the way a person stands, folds his or her arms, or moves his or her hands can also give us information about his or her feelings. Human body language, including gestures and facial expressions, is used to communicate in countless subtle and complex ways. In the communication between teachers an

14、d students, nonverbal communication is more important than verbal one. Body language of both teachers and students plays its active role in teaching. Teachers need to work hard to captivate and sustain the attention of students in order to engage students. Students are often more attentive to what t

15、eachers do than to what they say.Body language plays a vital part in communication. For example, a nod universally signifies approval, while shaking the hand indicates negotiations. Besides, when you watch a match, you may often see someone put up two fingers, which looks like a “V” sign. We all kno

16、w that means victory. We have many body languages used in rubbing shoulders with each other. We shake our head to mean “no”, and nod our heads to mean” yes”. We can use a smile to apologize, to greet someone, to ask for some help and to express emotion. We can make a thumb - up gesture, means “great

17、” or “good job”, when our student s do something well.As everyone knows, the classroom teaching is one of the most important ways that the students learn English. As far as the English teaching in schools is concerned, teachers have to arouse the students interest so that they may learn better. Ther

18、e are many ways to arouse the students interest and help them to learn better, body language used in English teaching is one of them. In school education, body language plays a positive role in cultivating the students characters. Teachers are usually respected, and factually, what and how the teach

19、ers say and do will be possibly imitated by the students, sometimes subconsciously. In a word, teachers graceful body language helps to improve the students artistic - appreciation and moral character. If the students develop a wonderful body language, which will possibly lead them to form optimisti

20、c and active feelings; they will surely have a more smooth interpersonal relation. General Study of Body LanguageA. The Definition of Body LanguageAlthough we may not realize it when we talk with others, we make ourselves understood not only by words. We send messages to the people around us also by

21、 expressions and body movements. We call it body language, which studies the meanings of the movement of all parts of body and it includes many nonverbal behaviors such as eye language, gestures, postures, facial expressions, touch and so on. A smile and handshake show welcome; waving ones hand is t

22、o say goodbye, nodding the head means agreement, while shaking it means disagreement. It is a part of non-verbal communication.B. The Differences between Verbal Communication and Non-verbal CommunicationNonverbal communication was the only language used throughout most of humanitys existence. For ma

23、ny, many centuries there was absolutely no oral or written language. When language finally developed, people commonly allowed themselves to be distracted from body communication. Some, however, continued to focus on nonverbal cues. An ancient Chinese proverb warns, “Watch out for the man whose stoma

24、ch doesnt move when he laughs.”1Nonverbal communication, conveying a great deal of information without even speaking, like verbal communication is also a part of culture and the carrier of a certain culture. It can convey just as much as written and verbal communication. Body language is one kind of

25、 nonverbal communication which can constitute 50% or more of what we are communicating. If you wish to communicate well, then it makes sense to understand how you can use your body to say what you mean.2The function of nonverbal communication in the whole communication cant be overlooked. In the dai

26、ly communication, we can see people cant communicate efficiently by verbal language alone. And nonverbal communication will express clear meanings in a certain context. So in communicative activities, nonverbal communication also plays a great role. Of course, we should pay close attention to the fu

27、nctions of nonverbal communication. In any case, when verbal communication conflicts with nonverbal communication, people are willing to accept the information nonverbal communication delivers. Because nonverbal communication sounds more natural, more instinctive and it is hard to pretend. Obviously

28、, we should make full use of nonverbal communication to achieve efficient communication. . The Necessity and Importance of Using Body Language in English TeachingA. The Limitation of Students Vocabulary and Expressive AbilityThe English vocabulary is so abundant that students cannot remember all of

29、them. And students just can only grasp the words which are used frequently. According to the students present level and practical situation, body language is required. Body language is one of rich expressive languages in the teaching language, especially in English teaching, using the suitable body

30、language not only can avoid using Chinese to explain English, but can promote the teachers and students to communicate, enhance the teaching efficiency. For example, when a teacher gives an instruction: “You two, please come to the blackboard.” The students can easily understand it if the teacher lo

31、oks at some two students. Then, the teacher points to the blackboard. The students will carry out the order without obstacle even if they dont hear the key words “blackboard” clearly. Furthermore, teachers usually have to explain some language points, and at this time, they have to differentiate the

32、 classroom expressions and the examples. Take it for example, we ought to use the form have done such as Have you finished that job? To make the students understand clearly, a teacher has lot s of ways. To do it by speed, he uses a common speed when reading “we ought to use the form have done” , and

33、 reads slowly when giving examples ; he can also get the effect by repeating the example Have you finished that job ; a more frequent way is to use gestures to lay emphasis on the key points when he said “have done” emphasizing it in voice at the same time, he reaches out his index finger , pauses i

34、n the air , and then gives out the example. This action will usually give the students a deep impression. From the above we can learn, the use of body language in English teaching is necessary.B. The Less Interest of Students in English ClassFor a non-native learner, English learning is very boring.

35、 As the proverb goes: Interest is the first teacher.” No matter in any fields, a person to be successful, first of all, he must spend a lot of time and energy. Second, he must have a choice of interest to do so. The strong study interest is the prime motive power of learning activity; it can stimula

36、te and raise students study interest, therefore before each class, teachers should make good preparation so that expect the student can have the strong interest through a series of body language. For example, to teach “What are you doing?”, teachers can design the following body language to the text

37、 content: let the student make writing, or dancing together with you, students do the body language with teacher, listening and doing warm up in the activities to enter the study condition, then it stimulates students study interest greatly. In the classroom, the teachers behavior will influence stu

38、dents learning concentration. Sometimes teachers in their teaching with the use of body language can stimulate students interest.C. The Depressing Atmosphere in English ClassEnglish is a foreign language to students and it is difficult to study well so that students cannot hold the interest in it fo

39、r a long time. And when they cant understand what teachers teach, they will not to listen to the teachers. Then the atmosphere in English class is depressing. Meanwhile, if the sounds only stay in a horizontal line, students will soon lose interest. And the noise meter can also affect the students m

40、ood. Teaching in order to focus the attention of every student, teachers eyes should glance around for the students. Teachers body language attracts the attention of students, helps students understand knowledge, and improves their enthusiasm, so as to achieve the purpose of improving the teaching e

41、ffect. The Concrete Application of Body Language in Different AspectsA. The Advantages of Using Body Language in SpeakingThe spoken language is one of the important ways to communicate, so we should try to develop the students ability of speaking. Factually they are helped to reach the aim in a cert

42、ain degree by their teachers body language. The contemporary emphasis is gradually laid on spoken English teaching. The first lesson of every unit in Senior English begins with dialogue. The teaching programs require the teachers to organize the class to practice English according to the characteris

43、tics of dialogue. Generally speaking, the body language can arouse and sustain the student s interest of learning and using English. In the English class, the teachers should not only use body languages themselves, but also ask the students to use them according to the different situation. Take it f

44、or example, the first lesson in Unit one, Book one is about the time when the new students first meet, and they dont know each other. So a teacher can introduce himself first, such as: “Hello, everyone, nice to meet you here. Now Ill introduce myself to you. My name is Tom. I like playing basketball

45、 for it makes me much stronger; I like playing chess for it makes me more clever; and I like reading books for reading makes one perfect”. During the introduction, the teacher should use the new vocabularies and sentence structures together with a vivid expression and mating gestures as possibly as

46、he can. He smiles when he says hello to the class ; he shakes hands with some students saying “Nice to meet you”; he writes name down on the blackboard ; he imitates the action of dribbling and shooting at the basketball , playing chess and turning pages to explain his hobby. After his introduction,

47、 the teacher can create a circumstance for the student s to practice: “Mary and Jack are new classmates. They are walking together in the street, and they meet one of Jacks old friends, Yangpei. Then Yangpei and Mary are introduced to each other by Jack. ”After the students practice the dialogue is introduced naturally from it. Usually, the application of body language in different situations will result in an attracting and successful lesson.B. The Advantages of Using Body Language in ListeningThe Greek philosopher Epithet s ever wittily said: “Nature has given man one tongue and two


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