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1、教 案2012 2013 学年第 一 学期Lecture One Brief Introduction to the CourseI. General IntroductionI am very pleased to meet you here. I am honored to be a member in your class. As a new teacher, I will introduce myself to you briefly, I will tell youre my pleasure in teaching. Firstly, I have great pleasure i

2、n knowing you. I always believe my students are importance in my class. Your needs and wishes will be my first consideration; your suggestion and advice will be valuable to me. I believe you have creative ideas, you have deep understanding and new ideas about teaching. Last semester, after the first

3、 assignment I found one students profound views about teaching, I asked her to us a presentation. Secondly, I have great pleasure in doing creative class activities. Before each class, I will invite one group to do pre-class activity. My requirement is that each group must be well prepared and pract

4、iced three times in advance. And each group activity must be creative, different from other group. You may tell stories about famous educator or famous people. Thirdly, mutual support gives great pleasure. I am one new member in your class, I will depend on your support, and cooperation to make the

5、lessons useful for you. I give your materials, you will share your materials with me. 2. Learning cultureCulture is about the beliefs and views and ways of learningLife will tell us how to we learn.Story of this summer about Ye Shiwen will tell you. She won the gold medal in 200 meters and 400meters

6、 events. She was accused of using banned substance by others, but one of the member in the swimming team said she won not because of banned substance but because of hardship. She practiced swimming for nine years, two and half hours in the morning and two half hours in the afternoon on a daily basis

7、. Active AttitudePerseverance Practice3. Views on EducationEducation is the eternal theme of society. Since ancient times , educators have been thinking about the essence of education. Plato: The object of education is to teach us to love beauty.Aristotle: By the system of education, you produce cit

8、izens of good character. The Great Learning: What The Great learning teaches, it to illustrate virtue, to renovate people. (大学之道,在明明德,在亲民, 在止于至善。) J. Dewey: Education is a social process. Education is growth. Education is life itself. 陶行知:行是知之始,知是行之成。“生活即教育”、“社会即学校”“教学做合一” Practice is the keynote of

9、 this course.Creative thinking skills is the key point of this semester.4. CurriculumI. TheoryThree ModelsNeed analysis ; Content analysisII. Lesson Plan Writing; Reading lesson planListening lesson plan ; Speaking lesson plan Writing lesson planIII. Method: project research methodPre-class: speech

10、Quote about education Story of famous educator, people caseWhile-class: teachers lecture Students teaching practicePost class: paper reading and report Lesson plan Project research:5. Assessment: assignment+ presentation+ attendance+ exam (70%)6. Discussion(1) Pre-class activity: (2) While-class: te

11、achers lecture-students teaching practive(3) Post-class activity(4) GroupingPreview: Chapter One A History of Instructional DesignTasks: (1) definitional of Instructional Design(2) Topic Presentation: a topic from senior English textbooksContents1. Introduction to ID2. Three periods and three theori

12、es3. Three ModelsStudent activity: Role playing: a dialogue between a new teacher and an experienced teacher. Meaning of design and instruction1. Introduction to IDOur lesson begins with two terms: design and instruction. 1.1 Design: the art or the process of planning Art: the product or process of

13、deliberately arranging items in a way that influences or affects peoples senses, emotions and intellect.Instruction: an organized procedure including the steps of analyzing, designing(, developing, implementing, evaluating.From the meaning of the two words, we know that instruction is both an art an

14、d science. As an art, the instruction will make use of the elements of art: acting; performing, painting, singing and dancing; As a science, the teaching is based on knowledge and science. From now on, we will step into a new of world of art and a new land of science.1.2 Instructional designInstruct

15、ional design is a science.Instructional design is a technology. Instructional design is a process.ModelIt is a simple representation of complex ideas and processes and physical phenomena or ideas. 2. History of ID When did instruction design emerge as a field of research? In the 1940s 2.1 The 20th c

16、enturyThe 20th century was an important age in human history. Great inventions and discoveries happened in this age. Progress in science can be illustrated by the following discoveries:The discovery of radioactivity of radium (1896)The discovery of atomic nucleus (1919)the first atomic bomb (1945),

17、computer (1945), satellite (1954) radio (1904 ) silent film (1923 ) TV set ( )New theories emerged in response to the new changes : computer science, communication theory, general system theory, etc.2.2 Three periods of IDIn this area of research famous players were: Gagne (加涅), and Mager (马杰) Ausub

18、el (奥苏贝尔) Dick and Carey (迪克-凯瑞) Merrill (梅瑞尔) Kemp(肯普) and Ragan (雷根)The 1950s : originThe 1970s-Kemp Model ( ID1)The 1990s-Ragan Model (ID2 )The 2000s -He Kekang Medel, latest modelsClassificationTeaching-centered Model: ID1, ID2Learning-centered Model: He Kekang Model; Constructivism-oriented Mod

19、el2. Kemp ModelGenerally speaking, the history of ID is divided into three major period: ID1 and ID2 and latest ID models.2.1 The 1950s - rise of BehaviorismDuring this period behaviorism was a major factor in the ID development.Behaviorism is a learning theory. In the early part of 20th century, so

20、me psychologists found the mental processes so difficult to pin down. They thought psychology should concentrate on observable behavior.Behavior theorists define learning as the acquisition of new behavior based on environmental conditions (stimulus).Behaviorism assumes that a learner is passive, re

21、sponding to stimuli Pavlovs classical conditioning (food, dog, bell)Before training the bell caused no response. Food caused saliva. During training, the bell rang before the food several times. The bell and food established association.After training, the bell produced saliva.Classical conditioning

22、 occurs when a natural reflex respond to a stimulus. We are biologically “wired” so that a certain stimulus will produce a specific responseImpact of Behaviorism on ID: behavioral objectives Movement, programmed Instruction Movement. Nine Events of Instruction.2.2 Kemp Model (ID1)Kemp Model ( ID1)Th

23、is model was created in 1977 and adapted by Kemp, Morrison, and Ross. Morrison and Kemp identify ten elements: (1) Predicting: students level, difficulty(1) Goals: educational goal(2) learners characteristics ( needs, prior knowledge, learning style )(3) subject content and task analysis;(4) objecti

24、ves;(5) activities;(6) resources(7) service (8) evaluationDiscussion on the features of Kemp Model:(1) The Kemp model takes a systems approach to instructional design. Virtually all factors in the learning environment are taken into consideration.(2) ID is a continuous cycle with revision as an on-g

25、oing activity.(3) The emphasis is put on subject matter content, goals and purposes and selection of resources;(4) The Kemp model represents the instructional design from a behaviorist approach.Students answer:1. Kemp model identifies 10 different elements, these elements are independent of each oth

26、er; 2. It stresses the formative assessment and summative assessment and the revision should be penetrated through the whole teaching process. This model is more systematic than other models in form. So it reflects the concept of general systems theory. 3. it focuses on the needs of learning and the

27、 goals of teaching. So it emphasizes the importance of objectives Disadvantage: it is a teaching-centeredness model and teachers dominate the teaching activities while learners just receive knowledge passively. In addition, it ignores the initiative and creativity of learners.3. The Smith and Ragan

28、Model (ID2)Task:(1) limitation of behaviorism: It defines learning as the acquisition of new behavior based on stimulus and response. Learners are passive, responding to stimuli.3.1 The 1980s- cognitive psychologyBackground (1) Behaviorism was concerned with external factor. Cognitive science shifte

29、d to the internal mental process of the mind.(2) Computer science began to influence the study of the mind. It regarded mind as a processor of informationCognitive psychologyCognition: to know; or to thinkCognitive psychology: the study of peoples ability to acquire, organize and use knowledge. The

30、basic concepts include meta-cognitive skill, cognitive skills, schemata and stages of learning . Meta-cognitive skills: setting goals, planning, organizing, monitoring, etc. Cognitive skills : perceiving, recognizing, remembering, classifying, and comparing, etc. 3.2 Gagnes nine steps of instruction

31、Gagne studied cognitive aspect of learning.1. Gaining attention2.telling Ss the objective3. recalling 4. Presenting5. Providing guidance6. Eliciting performance7. Providing Feedback8. Assessing 9. Enhancing retention and transfer3.3 Blooms taxonomy of Learning (分类)It is influenced by Gagnes nine ste

32、ps of instruction. There are six major steps : Knowledge: to recall data or information, to describe , to define, Comprehension: to explain, to distinguish, to extend, to summarize; Application: to use a concept in a new situation; to change, to modify, to discover, to relate; Analysis: to break dow

33、n into parts, to compare, to contrast, to infer, to select; Synthesis: building a structure or pattern from elements; to combine, to create, To design, or reorganize; Evaluation : to make judgments about the value of ideas, to appraise, to criticize; Its impact on ID: ID focuses more on the analysis

34、 phase including learner analysis, and task analysis. 3.4 The 1970s- General Systems TheoryGeneral Systems Theory is a general science of “wholeness”.A system is a set of elements that interact with one another and serve for a common purpose or goal.A system has nine main characteristics:Components;

35、 interrelationships; boundary; purpose; environment; input; output Interface; constraints(1) A component is a part, also called a subsystem. (2) The components are interrelated. All of the components work together to achieve some overall purpose, the systems reason for existing. (3) A system operate

36、s within an environment-everything outside the systems boundary. (4) The environment surrounds the system, both affecting it and being affected by it. Example: the university and the environmentThe university is a system. Within the system, three elements the administrators, teachers, and students a

37、nd the departs form a system and work together for the same goal-education;At the same time, the students are interacted with the new ideas, new technology and news changes and meet the demands of the society.Its impact on ID:Programmed instructionProgrammed instruction was based on systems approach

38、. By analyzing and breaking down content into specific objectives, devising the necessary steps to achieve the objectives, programmed instruction succeeded in creating a self-instructional system- a technology of instruction3.5 Smith and Ragan ModelNew changes: The Ragan Model is based on cognitive

39、psychology;Ragan Model includes three phases of design instead of ten factors in a circle;(This model takes a linear sequence to simplify the process;)Phase of strategy evolves as an important phase.Smith and Ragan (1999) have created an instructional design process model. Smith and Ragans model has

40、 three phases: analysis, strategy and evaluation. Their eight-step approach includes: (1) analyze learning environment, (2) analyze learners, (3) analyze learning task, (4) write test items, (5) determine instructional strategies, (6) produce instruction, conduct formative evaluation and revise inst

41、ruction. Analyzing learning environment involves: (1) needs for instruction in a context ; (2) description of learning environment. Analyzing learners include the stable and changing characteristics of learners (knowledge, skills, styles, attitudes and environment). Analyzing learning tasks describe

42、s instructional goals. Write test items describe assessment items. Determining instructional strategies: is the step that presents strategies for organizing and managing instruction. Produce instruction: translating the decision and specifications into instructional materials and guides. Conduct for

43、mative evaluation: evaluating effectiveness of the instructional materials, Revise instruction: steps of modifying the proposed instruction4. He Kekang Model Content:ConstructivismHe Kekang ModelCommunication TheoryStory of Archimedes4.1 Constructivism4.1.1 Background: Where does knowledge come from

44、?Three views:(1) Empiricism -经验主义People acquire knowledge by observation.(Aristotle, Locke-blank slate )(2) Rationalism-理性主义People acquire knowledge by logical reasoning. (Plato, Descartes- innate ideas)(3) Constructivism (interaction)Kant-the synthesis of empiricism and rationalism4.1.2The basics o

45、f Constructivism It is attributed to Jean Piaget. People construct knowledge from an interaction between experiences and their ideas. Experiences enable people to create schema-knowledge structure by two processes: (1) assimilation: the process by which new items are added to schema; (2) accommodati

46、on: schema is changed or enlarged on the basis of new information;(3) equilibration: the process through conflict is settled ( drive to learn and resistance to change )4.1.2 Views on learning Learning is an active, social process. Knowledge is first constructed in a social context. Learners should l

47、earn to discover principle, concepts and facts for themselves; A learner is viewed as a unique individual with unique needs and background. A instructor is a facilitator who provides guidance and support Learning should be situated in realistic settings, testing should be integrated with the task and not a separate activ


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