七年级英语上学期module 6 unit 1外研英语.ppt

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1、Module 6An invitation to the cinemaUnit 1Would you like to go to the cinema?filmcinemafilm starstadiumteamfootball matchManchester Uniteda weekTuesdayMondayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayDaming invites Tony to the cinema Listen and check.1.Daming invites Tony to the cinema.2.They are going to

2、see a Jackie Chan film.3.The film is on in the morning.4.Tony asks Daming to go to a basketball match.5.Daming and Tony are going to go to a football match on Sunday.XXDaming:Would you like to with?Its,and Tony:Thats a great idea!Lets go,too.When is it?Daming:Itsand Tony:Lets Would you like toon Sun

3、day?Its,Daming:Thats a good idea.Recite(背诵)背诵)Invite friends toWould you like to Thats a great idea!(Id love to.)When is it?Its in theLets goSorry,SundayFilm:The Myth(神话神话)Time:in the eveningTask 1 Task 2:A surprise(一个惊喜一个惊喜)vChoose a situation,make an invitation card.vGive your friend a surprise,in

4、vite him/her to go.选择以下一种情景选择以下一种情景,做一张邀请卡做一张邀请卡,给你朋给你朋友一个惊喜友一个惊喜,邀请他邀请他/她去她去.Disney parkYou have got two tickets of Disney park,give a surprise and invite him/her to go with you.AYou have a New Years party in your class,invite him/her to come.New Years partyBA:go to the cinema me Saturday B:.?A:Its the afternoon and the evening.B:go the evening.play computer games Sunday?A:.I have to do my homework.Fill in the blanks.Would you like towithThats a great idea When is itinininLetsWould you like toonSorryonHomeworkvTry to write an invitation for this weekend.vFinish Page93 5,6,7,8


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