七年级英语上学期module 5 period 3外研英语.ppt

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1、Module 5 Healthy food Period 3 Reading and vocabularyLook and say applesstrawberrybananatomatoorangewatermelonmelonpeachpotatocarrotoniontomatoporkbeefchickenfishwatercoffeemilkice creamCokericenoodleshamburgercandyLabel the picturesCheck the answersCan you fill in the table?healthy food and drinkfr

2、uitmeatvegetablesdrinkfavourite food and drinkfavourite foodfavourite drinkLet me check your answers healthy food and drinkfruitmeatvegetablesdrinkfavourite food and drinkfavourite foodfavourite drinkListen and say “yes”or“no”.1.Meat and vegetables are healthy food.()2.Coke is a healthy drink.()yesn

3、o Read and choose the right sentences.1.Pork is healthy food.3.Apples are healthy food.5.Rice and carrots are healthy food.8.Candy isnt healthy food.Read together You must read quickly and loudly.Say some sentences in English 1.肉和鱼是健康的食物.2.面条和米饭是健康的食物.Meat and fish are healthy food.Noodles and rice

4、are healthy food.3.水果和蔬菜是健康的食物.但是汉堡包和糖果不是健康的食物.4.果汁,水和牛奶是健康的饮料.但是可乐不是健康的饮料Fruit and vegetables are healthy food but hamburgers and candy arent healthy food.Juice,water and milk are healthy drinks but Coke isnt a healthy drink.Whats wrong with the boy?(男孩出现什么问题,你有何建议呢?)男孩出现什么问题,你有何建议呢?)Breakfast:nothing.Lunch:coke and3 hamburgersSupper:rice,chicken,beef,ice creamHomework 1.Finish the task in Step 5,write down the answers in exercises.2.Recite the passage:Healthy food and drink


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