初一英语上学期Module 3 Unit 1外研英语.ppt

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1、Module 3 My new schoolunit 1 There are 46 students in my class.forty-six|Unit 1I.完成对话,每空一词。A:Excuse_.B:_?A:Where_myoranges?B:_.Idontknow.A:Are_youroranges?B:Oh,yes,_aremyoranges.A:_youare.B:Thankyou_.A:Thats_.meWhat arethese they Here very much all rightSorryII.句型转换1.Thereisapencilonthedesk.(一般疑问句)_

2、apencilonthedesk?2.Thereisapencilonthedesk.(变否定句)_onthedesk.3.Heisatschool.(对划线部分提问)_he?4.Thereisapeartree.(改为复数)There_5.Thelibraryis_theclassrooms.(在后面)Is thereThere isnt a pencilWhere is are some pear trees behindLeadin:DiscussionWhat sports do you like?How many people are there in your family?Wha

3、t class are you in?How many students are there in your class?Newwords:饭厅,饭堂饭厅,饭堂电脑电脑字典,词典字典,词典图书馆图书馆图片图片电视电视正确的正确的1516171819304660708090there dining hallcomputerdictionarylibrary picture television rightfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteenthirtyforty-sixsixtyseventyeightyninety1Look at the pictur

4、e.Which words can you use to describe them?vWhat can you see in picture 1/2/3?vIn picture 1,I can see.and.Listen and choose the correct picture.vPicture 1vPicture 2vPicture 3Readafterthetape3 Listen and read.in:in our school in a class in my/your classroom in my classon:on your desks on Miss Lis des

5、k on our desks _ our _,there are _ students in a class.In my _,theres a _ and there are _ desks.There are _ students in my Class.Thats _ boys and _ girls.No,thats not right.There are_boys and _ girls.There are _ desks.In schoolclassroomtwentyblackboardtwenty-twoforty-sixtwenty-four twenty-twotwenty-

6、fivetwenty-oneforty-eight Are _any _ on your desks?Is _ a _ on Miss Lis desk?No,there _.There _ a Computer on Miss Lis desk.And there_ any _ on your desks.Are there _ computers in your_?No,there _.therecomputerstherecomputerisntisntarentcomputersanyclassroomarentImportant sentences:vThere are.vThere

7、 is avAre there any?vIs there a?vThere isnt avThere arent any4Listen and underline the correct answerv1.20v2.21v3.isntv4.No,there arentv5.No,there arent5 Listen and repeat 6 Listen and repeat these numbers7Matchthewordsandthenumbers.twenty-one 49 thirty-five 21 forty-nine 35 fifty-two 74 sixty-seven

8、 67 seven-four 52 eighty-three 96 ninety-six 83中译英中译英 1 在李老师的桌子上在李老师的桌子上 2 正确的答案正确的答案 3 谈论关于谈论关于 4 在我们班在我们班 5 在我们学校在我们学校 6 在在 字典上字典上 on Miss Lis desk correct answer talk about in our class in our school in the dictionary1 1 我们班有我们班有2424个男同学个男同学,30,30个女同学个女同学.2 2 我们的桌子上没有电脑我们的桌子上没有电脑.3 3 你们课室里有椅子吗你们课室里有椅子吗?没有没有.4 4 我们教室里没有一部电视机我们教室里没有一部电视机.There are twenty-four boys and thirty girls in our class.There arent any computers on our desks.Are there any chairs in your classroom?No,there arent.There isnt a television in our classroom.


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