七年级英语上学期module 5 period5外研英语.ppt

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1、Module 5 healthy food and drinkUnit 3 language in use(Period 5)riceWe eat these things:bread two pieces of breadsome ricesome breadmeattwo pieces of meatsome meat123cakessome cakeshamburgersdumplings potato chipsnoodles1 12345We drink these things:a cup of tea a box of milktwo glasses of water a bot

2、tle of juice1234+不可数名词,复数名词不可数名词,复数名词Somea,an+可数名词单数可数名词单数some meat,some eggsan apple,a banana 将下列短语译成英语。将下列短语译成英语。(l)一个苹果一个苹果 _(2)一些香蕉)一些香蕉 _(3)三袋大米)三袋大米 _(4)七玻璃杯水)七玻璃杯水_(5)八箱橘子)八箱橘子_(6)一些面包)一些面包_ an apple some bananas three bags of rice seven glasses of water eight boxes of oranges some bread 牢记这些复数形式Man man woman-women child-children footfeet deerdeer Sheepsheep toothteeth ChineseChinese A man-two men a child some childrenAround the worldhttp:/ the exercises in WbGo over the vovabulary and prepare for the test.Goodbye(Celine Dion)英语之声


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