初一英语下学期unit2 section A新目标.ppt

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1、Unit 2Wheres the post office?Is there a supermarket?Yes,there is./No,there isnt.Wheres the park?Its on Center Street.Wheres the hotel?Its across from the bank.The pay phone is in front of the library.The library is between the restaurant and the supermarket.The hospital is next to the airport.The ga

2、rden is behind the post office.The bank is on Fifth Avenue.The school is near the pay phone.There is a supermarket in front of my house.There are some libraries in our school.-Excuse me.Is there a bank near here/around here/around me/in the neighborhood?-Yes,there is.-Wheres the bank?-Its behind the

3、 school.-Oh,yes,I can see it now.Its a tall building.Thanks a lot.-Youre welcome.schoolparkparkhotelbankrestaurantsupermarketpost officelibrarybookstore Green StreetBridge StreetScott RoadSam Streethospital pay phoneDirectionSouth(down)West(left)East(right)North(up)turn leftturn rightgo straight-Exc

4、use me.Is there a hospital in the neighborhood?-Yes,there is.Just go straight and turn right.Its down Center Street on the right.Center ST-Excuse me.Is there a hotel in the neighborhood?-Yes,there is.Just go straight down Bridge Street and turn left.The hotel is on the left.Its across from the bank.

5、HOTEL Bridge ST BANK Country:City:Toronto Language:Paul:Excuse me.Is there a hotel in the neighborhood?Nancy:Yes,there is.Just go straight and turn left.Its down Bridge Street on the right.Its next to a supermarket.Paul:Thank you very much.Nancy:Youre welcome.Read and find Paul and Nancy in the pict

6、ure.1.Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood?Go straight down New Street and turn right.There is a pay phone on the right.2.Where is the bank?Go straight down New Street and turn right.Turn left at Bridge Street.The bank is across from the street.3.Is there a post office in the neighborhood?Yes,th

7、ere is.Turn right then go straight down Bridge Street.The post office is on the left.Its across from the restaurant,next to the supermarket.Super-marketBankparkKFCFruit storeBridgeHotelRestaurantLibrary Post officeBook storeHospital Food storePay phonelibraryPolice stationHuizhen StreetLong Street Sixth AveSeventh AveMy HouseSchoolBus stationWheres my house?


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