初一英语下学期Unit 10 Section A新目标.ppt

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1、Unit 10Where did you go on vacation?He went to the park.Went to the parkwent to the mountainsHe went to the mountains.He stayed at home and played computer games.at homeShe visited museums.museumsShe went to the movies.movieThey went to the beach.Went to the beachThey went to summer camp.Summer camp

2、They stayed at home and watched TV.at homeThey visited their teacher.Visited teacherWhere did you go on vacation?Where did you go on vacation?museumsWhere did you go on vacation?Where did you go on vacation?parkLook at these pictures below,ask and answer in pairs.(看下面的图画,分组练习对话)Where did they go on

3、vacation?Picture1Picture2Picture3picture4picture5Where did you/they/she/he go on vacation?New York City123456lListen.For each question check()”Yes,I did.”or“No,I didnt.”as you hear them talk.Did you?Yes,I did.No,I didnt.Nancygo to Central Park?Kevinplay volleyball?Swim?Juliego to movies?study for ex

4、ams?lListen.For each question check()”Yes,I did.”or“No,I didnt.”as you hear them talk.Did you?Yes,I did.No,I didnt.Nancygo to Central Park?Kevinplay volleyball?Swim?Juliego to movies?study for exams?lListen.For each question check()”Yes,I did.”or“No,I didnt.”as you hear them talk.Did you?Yes,I did.N

5、o,I didnt.Nancygo to Central Park?Kevinplay volleyball?Swim?Juliego to movies?study for exams?lListen.For each question check()”Yes,I did.”or“No,I didnt.”as you hear them talk.Did you?Yes,I did.No,I didnt.Nancygo to Central Park?Kevinplay volleyball?Swim?Juliego to movies?study for exams?lListen.For

6、 each question check()”Yes,I did.”or“No,I didnt.”as you hear them talk.Did you?Yes,I did.No,I didnt.Nancygo to Central Park?Kevinplay volleyball?Swim?Juliego to movies?lListen.For each question check()”Yes,I did.”or“No,I didnt.”as you hear them talk.Did you?Yes,I did.No,I didnt.Nancygo to Central Pa

7、rk?Kevinplay volleyball?Swim?Juliego to movies?study for exams?练习:用was或者were填空Amy:How _ your vacation,Lin?Lin:It _ pretty good.Amy:How _ the beaches?Lin:They _ fantastic.Amy:How _ the weather?Lin:It _ hot and humidAmy:How _ the people?Lin:They_ unfriendly.waswaswerewerewaswaswerewereWhat did people

8、think of their vacation?How was her bus trip?It was relaxing.How was the museum?It was boring.How was the food?It was awful.How were the beaches?They were beautiful.Homework:write about your vacations.For example(例如例如):last summer I went to the beach.My vacation was pretty good.I went there by bus and my bus trip was relaxing.The beach was very beautiful.It was sunny,cool and humid.the people were friendly and the food were delicious.I enjoyed my vacation very much and I hope to go there again.


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