初一英语下学期unit 7 新目标.ppt

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1、What does he look like?has short/long hair.has straight/curly hair.has blonde/brown hair.has small eyes/ears has a big nose/mouth is tall/short.is medium build/height.is fat/heavy.is thin/strong.is very old/young.is active/quietWhat does he/she look like?He/She Who is he?captain n.队长队长team n.队队,组组po

2、pular 受欢迎的受欢迎的good-looking 漂亮的漂亮的Listen and match.abcd4321Read the descriptions by yourself(Read the descriptions by yourself(自读四段描述自读四段描述自读四段描述自读四段描述)and then answer the following questions.and then answer the following questions.1.Is Wang Lin the captain of a football team?2.What does Wang Lin loo

3、k like?3.Is he popular?Why?4.Is Ma Yan fat and tall?5.What color is Ma Yans hair?6.Is Ma Yan good-looking and active(活泼的活泼的)?7.What does Xu Qian love to do?8.Xu Qian does not like talking,right?9.Does Liu Peng have straight brown hair?10.What does he like doing?Can you tell me something about?Can yo

4、u tell me something about?Wang lin Ma Yan Xu Qian Liu Pengcaptain,team,tall,medium build,hair,popularthin,medium height,hair,good-looking,quiettell jokes,short,a little bit,hair,neverstudent,tall,hair,medium build,read and play chesscIts guessing time!Who is my favourite?singer film star teacher basketball player Writing:Write something about your favourite singer/actor/teacher/sport star on your own paper.Let your classmates guess who he/she is.


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