初一英语下学期unit 7 What does he look like新目标.ppt

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初一英语下学期unit 7 What does he look like新目标.ppt_第1页
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初一英语下学期unit 7 What does he look like新目标.ppt_第3页
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初一英语下学期unit 7 What does he look like新目标.ppt_第5页
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1、 She has long hair.He has short hair.He doesnt have hair./He has no hair.baldShe has curly hair.She has straight hair.She has black hair.She has blonde hair.He is tall.He is short.She is medium height.height高度高度She is thin.She is fat/heavy.She is medium build.build体格,体形体格,体形What does he look like?He

2、 is tall.heightHe is medium height.He is short.He is tall.He is short.He is tall.What does he look like?He is medium heightbuildHe is heavy.He is medium build.He is thin.What does he look like?He is fat/heavy.He is thin.She is medium build.1.shorthair_2.curlyhair_3.longhair_4.straighthair_5.tall_6.s

3、hort_7.mediumheight8.thin_9.heavy_10.mediumbuild_cfaadhebaeListen and fill in the blanks in the picturetallcurlyhairShe has long curly black hair.She has long straight blonde hair.curly hair long hair straight hairlong hair Lets describe their hair!black hairred hair straight hair curly hair black h

4、air blonde hairhairShe has long curly blonde hair.She has long straight black hair.long hairlong hairHair:short hairlong haircurly hairstraight hairHeight:tallshortmedium heightBuild:thin heavymedium buildWhat do you/they-look like?What does she/he look like?have/has What do you look like?Im medium height and Im medium build.I have long black hair.What do they look like?Theyre-and-.They have-hair.What does he/she look like?He/She is-and he/she is-.He/She has-hair.Ask and Answer:A:What does he/she look like?B:He/She is and .He/She has hair.A:Oh,his/her names .(height,build,hair)


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