初一英语下学期Unit 6Do you like bananas新目标.ppt

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初一英语下学期Unit 6Do you like bananas新目标.ppt_第1页
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1、Unit 6 Do you like bananas?(Section A)Aims:1.Learn some names of food.2.Talk about likes and dislikes.Emphasis:Ask and answer questions about likes and dislikes.Difficulties:Different uses of“dont”and“doesnt”.Countable nouns and uncountable nouns.Methods:Scene teaching methods.Pair work,group work a

2、nd individual practice.Task assignment:Make a survey and make a picnic food list.Aids:A multi-media computer and a tape recorder.Step 1 RevisionWhats this in English?Do you have?basketballbaseballsoccer ballvolleyballbaseball battennis racketDo you like?Step 2 PresentationWhats this in English?Its b

3、roccoli/orange/ice cream/salad.Whatre these?Theyre hamburgers/tomatoes/French fries/bananas/strawberries.Do you like?Yes,I do.No,I dont.Do you like?Yes,I do.No,I dont.applesbananascarrotsbroccoliorangestomatoessaladFrench friesice creamhamburgersstrawberryStep 3 Listen and circle the food(Students B

4、ook Page 32)hamburgers tomatoes broccoli French fries oranges ice creamsalad bananashamburgersbroccoli ice creamStep 4 Listen again and fill in the blanks(Students Book Page 32)I like 1._.Do you like 2._?Yes,I do.Do you like 3._?No,I dont like 4._.Lets have 5._.Oh,no,I dont like 6._.hamburgershambur

5、gersbroccolibroccoliice creamice creamStep 5 Practice(Pair work)Ask and answer in pairs:Does he like?BobBillStep 6 Make a survey(Group work)Well have a picnic.Ask every member of your group:Do you like?And make a list.Model:Belinda,do you like broccoli?Yes,I do.Do you like tomatoes?Yes,I do.Do you l

6、ike salad?No,I dont.Do you like French fries?Oh,no,I dont.Jack,do you like broccoli?No,I dont.Do you like tomatoes?Yes,I do.Do you like French fries?Oh,no,I dont.Give the report to the class.Belinda likes broccoli and tomatoes.She doesnt like salad or French fries.Jack likes tomatoes,salad and French fries.He doesnt like broccoli.Steven likesStep 7 ConsolidationSpeak and write:I like ,and .I dont like .My father likes ,and .He doesnt like or .My mother likes ,and .she doesnt like .Step 8 AssignmentAsk every member of your family:Do you like?And make a food list for a get-together.


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