初一英语下学期unit 2 period 2新目标.ppt

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1、Unit2 Wheres the post office?Unit2 Wheres the post office?Do you know these places?Do you know these places?parkrestauranthotelgardenIs there a in the neighborhood?Yes,there is.Its on./No,there isnt.post officebridgebanklibraryhospitalairportpay phonesupermarketroadstreetavenuehighwaybuildinghouse1a

2、 post office _ library _ hotel _ restaurant _ bank _ supermarket _ street _ pay phone _ park _ f a e i c b h g dTask I pair work:Is there.Is there a bank near here?Yes,theres a bank on Center Street.Is there a post office near here?Yes,there is.Theres one on Bridge Street.on the boxunder the boxin t

3、he box-Where is the soccer ball?-Its the box.-Where is the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.behind-Where is the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.near-Where is the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.next to-Where is the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.in front of-Where is the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.across frombigsmall-Wh

4、ere is the soccer ball?-Its _between the big box and the small box.Where is the pay phone?Where is the pay phone?Its Its across fromacross from the library.the library.across fromacross fromWhere is the pay phone?Where is the pay phone?Its Its next tonext to the library the library.next tonext tobet

5、weenbetweenandandWhere is the pay phone?Where is the pay phone?Its Its betweenbetween the post office the post office andand the the library.library.Where is the pay phone?Where is the pay phone?Its Its onon the Green Street.the Green Street.onon Where is the pay phone?Where is the pay phone?Its Its

6、 in front ofin front of the library the library.in front ofin front ofWhere is the pay phone?Where is the pay phone?Its Its behindbehind the library the library.behindbehind4623511.The library is _ the restautant and supermarket.2.The park is _the bank.3.The supermarket is _Fifth Avenue.4.The pay ph

7、one is _ the post office.betweenacross fromonnext toListen and fillparkmarketmy househotelschoolCenter streetWhere is Where is the park?the park?让学生说出它们的不同之处schoolBookstoreparkbankPostofficeSuper-marketrestauranthotellibrarypayphonePicture 1school librarybankparkhotelrestaurantBookstorepayphoneSuper-marketPost officePicture 2Yes/no Wherepost office(s)library Hotel(s)Restaurant(s)Bank(s)Supermarket(s)pay phone(s)Make a survey


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