初一英语上学期Unit 6 pierod 4新目标.ppt

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1、正正确确区区分分名名词词的的数数这可数吗这可数吗?还是不可数还是不可数?正正确确区区分分名名词词的的数数saladstrawberriesbroccolitomatoes正正确确区区分分名名词词的的数数chickencarrotshamburgers ice cream chicken some chicken不可数名词没有复数不可数名词没有复数some saladsome broccolisome ice creamsome chicken a tomato 5 tomatoes some tomatoes可数名词有单可数名词有单,复数之分复数之分some tomatoessome carr

2、otssome bananassome hamburgers1.He likes _(苹果)?苹果)?2.Do you like _(汉堡包)?汉堡包)?3.Do you like _(西红柿)?西红柿)?4.There are some _(草莓)草莓).5.Do you like _(沙拉)?沙拉)?6.I dont like _(花椰菜)?花椰菜)?appleshamburgerstomatoesstrawberriessaladbroccoliLucy Lily Jack TomapplesorangesbananasLucy likes apples,but she doesnt l

3、ike-It is time for _.breakfastIt is 6:12 in the morning.What do you like for breakfast?I like an egg and some milk for breakfasthave breakfastWhat do you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner?I like oranges and-for breakfast.-healthy foodIt is time for _.It is 11:15.What do you like for lunch?I like for l

4、unch.lunchhave lunchWhat do you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner?I like oranges and for lunch.It is time for _.dinner/supperIt is 6:12 in the evening.What do you like for dinner?I like and for dinner.have dinnerWhat do you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner?I like oranges and for dinner.Groupwork:What food do you think is healthy?What do you think is unhealthy?(四人一组给食物分类)四人一组给食物分类)unhealthy 不不健康的健康的 healthy:健康的健康的


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