初一英语上学期Unit 3新目标.ppt

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1、This is mymotherfatherparentsbrother brotherbrothersThey are mygrandmothergrandfatherTheyre my grandparentsTheyre=They are uncle auntsistersisterThese are my sisters.Those are my friends.familygrandfather,grandmother(grandparents)father.mother(parents)brother,sisteraunt.uncle,cousin A:Is this your f

2、ather?B:No,he isnt.He is my uncle.A:Is that your mother?B:No,she isnt.She is my aunt.Listen and circle the words you hear.mother father sister brother grandmother grandfatherfriend grandparentsListen again.Match the names with the people in the picture.1.Dave _ 3.Anna_2.2.Lin Hai_ 4.Jeff_agbeDave:Th

3、is is my mother.Mum,this is Lin Hai.Lin Hai:Nice to meet you.mum:Nice to meet you,Lin Hai.Dave:And these are my grandparents.Grandparents:Hi,Lin Hai.Lin Hai:Hello.Dave:And this is my sister,Anna.And this is my brother,Jeff.Thats Anna and thats Paul.Yes,she _No,he_.Hes my friend.Is she your _?And is

4、he your_?is.isntsisterbrotherListen and check the words you hear.grandfather_ grandmother_cousin_ father_ mother_uncle_ aunt_ brother_sister_1234Dear Mary:Thanks for the photo of your family.Here is my family photo.Your friend,EmmaHere is my family photo.These are my grandparents.This is my father.H

5、es a doctor.This is my mother.Shes a teacher.They are my uncle,Tom,and aunt,Lucy.I have two brothers.One is Tony and the other is Jim.We often play together.Who is this boy?Its me!I have a happy family.I love them all.Xiao Hua Liu PingXiao Yong Fang LiXiao BingMary:Look!This is my father.You:Are the

6、se your grandparents?Mary:Yes,they are.You:is that your(aunt)?Mary:No,It isnt.Its my mother.You:are these your friends?Mary:No,they arent.they are my cousins.be 动词与句中主语的搭配要一致。IIt/He/She/单名This/That You/TheyThese/Thoseamis isareareFill in the blanks with am is or are:1.My sister _ Mary Smith.2.What _ those?They _ erasers.3._ she your mother?Yes,she _.4.They _ his parents.5.This _ her grandmother.6.I _ a boy.You _ a girl.7._ that your father?No,he _ not.8.These _ my brothers.9.What _ this in English?It _ a pen.is are areIs is are is am are Is is are is is


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