初一英语上学期Unit 2 He haws big eyes仁爱英语.ppt

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She has long hair.Her hair is long.He has short hair.His hair is short.长头发长头发长的长的短头发短头发短的短的有有The girl is short.The two boys are tall.short 矮的矮的tall 高的高的He has a big nose.His nose is big.He has a small nose.His nose is small.big 大的大的small 小的小的It has a wide month.wide 宽阔的宽阔的He is very strong.He is a strong man.strong强壮的强壮的 very 非常非常,很很singer 歌手歌手film star 电影明星电影明星Who is your favorite film star?favorite 喜爱的喜爱的acfeb1.Who is Michaels favorite2.film star?Listen and answer.2.Where is the film star from?1.抄写书本抄写书本P111(25)(26)的单词的单词.2.完成完成P14 的练习的练习.


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