初一英语上学期Unit 1 My name’s Gina section A新目标.ppt

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1、Unit 1 My names GinaSection AGo for itBook OneWhats this?Its a/an Listen and number the conversationsA:Whats your name?B:Francisco.()A:Hello.Im Mary.B:Hi,Mary.Im Jim.()A:My names Jenny.B:Im Gina.Nice to meet you.()123Whats his/her name?Whats his/her name?A:Whats your name?B:.Listen and number the pi

2、ctures.21Tony:Hello.Whats _ name?Jenny:My _ Jenny.Tony:_ Tony.Jenny:Nice to meet you,Tony.Complete the conversations with the words in the box.Im is name names his youryournamesImBill:Whats _name?Maria:His _ is TonyBill:And whats her _?Maria:Her name _Jenny.hisnamenameisA:Whats your name?B:My names.

3、Im.wC:Whats his/her name?wD:His/Her names.Noteswnames=name is My names Li Lei.My name is Li Lei.wIm=I am Im Polly.I am Polly.wWhats=What is Whats your name?What is your name?1.Tanaka 11.Gina2.Barnes 12.Lim3.Tony 13.Kenji4.Green 14.Smith5.Mitchell 15.Lisa6.Bill 16.Brown7.Paul 17.Cooper8.Jones 18.Lock

4、e9.Mark 19.Chi-Young10.Amy 20.MaryWrite F for first name and L for last name.LLFLLFFLFFFL F L F L L L F F Im Bill Green.My first name is Bill.My last name is Green.First nameLast nameBillGreenWhats your first name?Whats your last name?Name GameHis name is Tony.Her name is Linda.My name is Ben.Listen to the conversation and circle the correct answer.1.Her last name is _.2.a.Angela b.Ann3.2.His first name is _.4.a.Gomez b.Gamarra5.3.Her first name is _.6.a.Hugh b.Hugo7.4.His _name is Gamarra.8.a.last b.first


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