初一英语下学期Unit11 Period 1新目标.ppt

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1、What do you think of?I I love it/them.like it/them.dont mind it/them.dont like it/them.cant stand it/them.A:What do you think of?B:I .I think it is/they are.game show Lucky 52hostWhat kind of TV show is it?talk show What kind of TV show is it?What kind of TV show is it?talk show soap operaWhat kind

2、of TV show is it?What kind of TV show is it?sitcom=situation comedy What kind of TV show is it?sports show What kind of TV show is it?English program What kind of TV show is it?cooking What kind of TV show is it?ad.1.talk show2.soap opera 3.sports show 4.sitcom5.game show edacbListen&matchabcedbac1.

3、_2._3._4._5._dePair workWhat do you think of?How/What about?I love/dont mind TV showsWhat you think sitcoms/English programsports shows/ad.soap operas/cooking talk shows/game showslove/like/dont mind/dont likecant standa._1_ loveb._ likec._ dont mindd._ dont likee._ dont standListen and number2345A:

4、What do you think of Dumpling King?B:I love it.A:Do you _ Er Bao?B:No,I _ him.But I _ his brother,Xiao Bao.How about you?A:I dont like him.In fact,I _ like sitcoms.Listen and filllikecant standdont minddont likeSurveyName TV showsActors/Actresses Ilovelikedont minddont likecant standMy friend loveslikesdoesnt minddoesnt likecant standMake a reportI like watching TV very much.I love/like/dont like/dont mind/cant stand My friend loves 2.调查同学喜恶的电视节目,下节课前做报告调查同学喜恶的电视节目,下节课前做报告1.完成作业本完成作业本1


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