六年级英语where is the science museum课件6.ppt

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1、Unit 2Unit 2人教版六年级上册人教版六年级上册a birhtday cakeHappy birthday to you!Happy birthday!Its Sarahs birthday.1.How old is she?2.Where is her home?3.How can we get to her home?Lets read and answerShe is twelve years old.Its next to the post office.17schoolTake the No.17 busGet off at the post office.Start fro

2、m the bus stop in front of our schoolWalk east for three minutes.Find the white building on the left.1.Come to my twelfth birthday party.来我的来我的12岁生日聚会。岁生日聚会。2.at 6 pm.在下午六点在下午六点3.on Saturday 在星期六在星期六4.let me tell you.让我告诉你。让我告诉你。5.how to come 如何来如何来6.take the No.17 bus.乘乘17路车路车7.get off at the post office 在邮局下车在邮局下车8.Walk east for three minutes 向东走向东走3分钟分钟


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