六年级英语where is the science museum课件5.ppt

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1、Post officebus stopbookstoreparkbank libraryScience museum cinema hospitalmapschoolShoe storeBus 301get offWalk straight for three minuteson the leftlets recite B lets learn!lets do!翻译下列词组:翻译下列词组:1、放学之后、放学之后 2、一双鞋、一双鞋4、到达、到达5、下车、下车6、在电影院、在电影院7、直走步行三分钟、直走步行三分钟8、向左转、向左转9、在左边、在左边after schoola pair of s

2、hoesget toget offat the cinema walk straight for three minuteson the leftturn leftHow can I get to the science museum?hospitalcinemaScience museum3 minutesGo straight for 3 minutes,Turn left at the cinema,Then go straight.It s on the left.Lets learn!Where is the post office?Its on the right.leftrigh

3、teastIts east of the cinema.Lets learn!Where is the post office?downupIts south of the cinema.southLets try!Where is the post office?Its south of the cinema.southeastIts east of the bookstore.westIts west of the supermarket.post officebookstorecinemaschool hospitalparkWhere is the post office!Its no

4、rth of the hospital.turn leftListen and answer!How can I get to the post office?go straightaton the leftIts east of the cinema.on the leftpost officebookstorecinemaschool hospitalparkWhere is the hospital!How can I get to the hospital?post officebookstorecinemaschool hospitalparkWhere is the school?How can I get to the school?post officebookstorecinemaschool hospitalparkWhere is the bookstore?How can I get to the bookstore?


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