六年级英语where is the science museum课件1.ppt

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1、巩固复习巩固复习JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberName12345678910 11 12A:When is your birthday?B:Its in May.Make a survey巩固复习巩固复习巩固复习巩固复习1、January2、February3、March4、April5、May6、June7、July8、August9、September10、October11、November12、DecemberA.Tree-planting DayB.New Years

2、 dayC.Childrens DayD.Army DayE.National DayF.Christmas DayG.My birthdayH.My partners birthdayI.My mothers birthdayJ.My fathers birthdayK.Teachers DayL.May Day新内容指导新内容指导Unit2 Where is the science museum?(A)Words:post office hospital cinema bookstorescience museumin front ofbehindnearnext toSentences:A:Excuse me.Where is the library?libraryB:Its near the post office.新内容指导新内容指导Unit2 Where is the science museum?(B)Words:Sentences:east west south north turn left turn right go straightA:How can I get to the museum?B:Go straight for five minutes.Then turn left.Its on the right.


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