六年级英语where is the science museum课件2.ppt

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1、Lets read 重要知识点vshoe 鞋子 v两只鞋子 two shoes v一双鞋子 a pair of shoesv买一双鞋子 buy a pair of shoesv我想要买一双鞋子.vI want to buy a pair of shoes.v我将要去买一双鞋子.v“将要做某事”表示一种时态:一般将来时 be going to do vEg.I am going to buy a pair of shoes.v (就画线部分提问)What are you going to do?重要词组vafter school 放学 next to 紧挨着 get to 到达 by the N

2、o.301 bus 乘301路车vget offv下车vwalk straight =go straightv一直向前走von the left v在左边get onget offbuy shoes Walk straight for three minutes to the hospital.Get on the No.15 bus.Get off at the cinema.Go next to the shoe store.Right order:4-2-3-1Good to know vThe title 标题vNorth pointer 指北针vSymbols 标志物vScale 比例尺


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