六年级英语What’s your hobb课件.ppt

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1、人教新版六年级上册英语人教新版六年级上册英语 Whats your hobby?Whats your hobby?I like singing.I like singing.Whats your hobby?Whats your hobby?I like swimming.I like swimming.So water is useful(有用的)有用的).We must save(节约)节约)the water.divewater the flowersswimwash the clothes._a bike _ the violin_ stamps _ kitesrideplaycoll

2、ectmake ride ride I like riding a bike.Im going to the bike show.play play I like playing _.Im going to the _.collect collect I like collecting _.Im going to the _.make make I like _.Im going to the kites show.the violinviolin showstampsstamp showmaking kitesyou you You like riding a bike,too.Lets g

3、o to the bike show.we we We like playing the violin,too.Lets go to the _.he he He _ collecting stamps,too.Lets go to the _.she she She _._the kites show.violin showlikesstamp showlikes making kites,tooLets go toJohn:John _Wu Yifan:Wu Yifan _I like collecting stamps.likes collecting stamps.I like col

4、lecting stamps,toolikes collecting stamps,too.Wu:Whats your hobby?John:_.What about you?Wu:_.There is a _Sunday.Lets go together.John:I have a friend.He _,too.Can _ go with _?Wu:_I like collecting stamps Me toostamp showlikes collecting stampshe usSureWhat do you like?Whats your hobby?I like collect

5、ing stamps.I like to collect stamps.How about you?What about you?I like collecting stamps,too.Me too.There is a stamp show Sunday.I have a friend.She likes collecting stamps,too.Can you go with me?Can she go with us?Can he go with us?Ok.Sure.I _ reading some books.She _ speaking in the class.We _ singing.He _ fighting.They _ drinking.Tina likes_likelikeslikelikeslike


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