六年级英语What’s your favorite festival课件.ppt

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1、 Unit2 Whats your favorite festival?制作制作:贵港市平南镇中心小学贵港市平南镇中心小学 黄黄 清清 梅梅 What do people do on Thanksgiving Day?Answer the question.A.They have a big family dinner.B.They say“thank-you”for their food,family and friends.C.They watch a big football game on TV.Spring FestivalMid-Autumn FestivalDragon Boat

2、 FestivalWe go to see the Dragon Boat race.Lantern FestivalWe can see dragon dances.1.Listen to the tape and number the pictures.Listen again and fill in the blanks.1.We all go to see the .We eat .Its very delicious.2.My mother loves this festival.She makes .My father likes this festival,too.He sing

3、s_ _.Dragon Boat race zongzi moon cakes moon songs3.Our favourite festival is the_ _.We have _ _ _ dinner.And we eat_.4.My favourite festival is after Spring Festival.Its at night.There are lots of _and theres a _ _.Spring Festival a special familyjiaozi lanternsdragon dance Ask and answer:A:Whats y

4、our favourite Festival?B:Its the festival?A:What do you do atFestival?B:.Lantern Festival Dragon Boat Festival根据图片写出节日根据图片写出节日Mid-Autumn FestivalSpring Festival 根据首字母填空根据首字母填空1Can you tell me m_ about American festivals?2Whats your f_ festival?Its the L_ Festival.3 We always have a s_ meal.Its a big family d_.oreavouriteantern pecialinner Homework:为迎接为迎接2008年奥运会,请同学年奥运会,请同学们写一篇向国际友人宣传中国们写一篇向国际友人宣传中国节日和风俗习惯的文章,不少节日和风俗习惯的文章,不少于于80个单词。个单词。


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