六年级英语what’s the matter Mike课件3.ppt

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1、UniUnit 2 Whats the matter,Mike?B Lets read Miss Xu 2009.3If you are healthy,you are in the PINK.If you are sad,you are feeling BLUE.If you are angry,you are seeing RED.If you are very sad,you are in a BLACK mood.How does she/he feel?She/He is.How do you feel?/How are you feeling?Read,choose and wri

2、te.Tom looks _(happy/sad),because he has a headache.Mike feels _(bored/tired),because no one plays with him.My mother is _(excited/angry),because I didnt do my homeworkI feel very_(tired/happy),because I went to bed too late last night.We Chinese are _(excited/bored)because of the 2008Olympic Games.

3、sadboredangrytiredexcitedFootballHow many players are there in a football team?What do they do when they play the games?Pass the ballBounce the ballKick the ballKick the ball into the gateCatch the ball.Its a goalThis a football match between _and _.How do the students feel before the football game starts?How does John feel when the ball hits his head?How does Class3 feel at the end of the game?They are excited.John is a little angry.Class 3 is not sad.They are laughing at Johns funny goal.Homework:1.听课文录音次,读熟短文完成作业本复习一二单元,准备听写,测试预习单元


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