六年级英语On the farm课件3.ppt

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1、The National Day holiday 国庆假日on the farm/a:/在农场collect collect eggs收集收集收集鸡蛋收集鸡蛋milkcowmilk cows牛奶牛奶,挤奶挤奶母牛母牛挤牛奶挤牛奶how now /au/pick pick oranges采采,摘摘采橘子采橘子pull upcarrotpull up carrots拔拔拔出来拔出来胡萝卜胡萝卜拔胡萝卜拔胡萝卜pull/u/puttastetaste oranges尝尝,品品尝尝品尝橘子品尝橘子/ei/table tapewater flowers浇花浇花water trees浇树浇树cook做做

2、饭饭做饭菜做饭菜cook foodcollect eggsmilk cowspick orangespull up carrotstaste orangeswater flowersWhat did you do last week?collect eggsI collected eggs.milk cowsI milked cows.pick orangesI picked oranges.pull up carrotsI pulled up carrots.did do的过去式的过去式last 最后的最后的,最近刚过去的最近刚过去的last week 上个星期上个星期你上个星期做了什么?W

3、hat else did you do last week?你上个星期还做了什么?What did you do last week?I watched TV did my homework cleaned my house visited the park cooked a lot of food listened to music picked fruit watched a film played computer games What else did you do?I ed .Say a chant:I had a good time last week.Did,did,what d

4、id you do on Monday?Cleaned,cleaned,I cleaned the house on Monday.Did,did,what did you do on Wednesday?Watched,watched,I watched cartoons on Wednesday.Did,did,what did you do on Friday?Picked,picked,I picked oranges on Friday.A:What did you do on Wednesday?B:I listened to music.A:What else did you do?B:I watched a film.Mike和Gao Shan正在谈论国庆假日所做的事.请你用今天所学的句型编写一段对话.A:What did you do on Friday?B:I cleaned the house.A:What else did you do?B:I played volleyball.


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