六年级英语On the farm课件2.ppt

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1、执执教教者者:淮淮安安曙曙光光双双语语 王王莹莹松松last weektodayyesterdayNational Daythe National Day holiday On the first day of the National Day holiday,I visited a farm.It was very interesting.Do you want to go to the farm?picked oranges and applescollected eggswatered flowerspulled up carrotsWhat did you do on the Nati

2、onal Day holiday?在国庆假期期间你做了那些事?在国庆假期期间你做了那些事?What did you do on the National Day holiday?What else did you do?IIWhat did Nancy and Helen do on the National Day?Nancy和和Helen在国庆节做了什么呢?在国庆节做了什么呢?1.It is National Day today.()2.Today is the first day of school after the holiday.()3.Nancy goes to school e

3、arly.()4.Helen and Nancy meet in the school playground.()5.They meet after class.()wasHelenbeforelast weeklast weekShe watched a film with her parents.What did Helen do last week?What else did Helen do last week?She watered trees with her mother.She pulled up carrots.What did Helen do last week?What

4、 else did she do?She collected eggs(on the farm).She milked cows(on the farm).orange treesapple treespear treesThere are some on the farm.fruit treesThere are some fruit trees on the farm.Are there any fruit trees on the farm?改为改为一般一般疑问疑问句句Are there any fruit trees on the farm?Were there any fruit trees on the farm?Yes,there were ./No,there werent.改为改为过去过去式式Were there any grapes on the tree?Yes,there were .Was there any fruit on the tree?No,there wasnt.Homework:1.请同学们背诵这篇课文,并能够 表演出来2.完成练习册Unit 5


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