六年级英语on the farm.ppt

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1、Xinhu Primary School kenny.HWhere were they last week?They were on the farm.They visited the farmthis week:11.511.11上周last week:10.2911.4 She _.cooked foodcook foodcookcookedWhat did she do last week?He _.collected eggscollect eggscollect-collectedWhat did he do last week?She _.milked a cowmilk a co

2、wmilk-milkedWhat did she do last week?He _.picked orangespick orangespick-pickedWhat did he do last week?She _.watered flowerswater flowerswater-wateredWhat did she do last week?She _.tasted orangestaste orangestaste-tastedWhat did she do last week?He _.pulled up carrotspull up carrotscarrotspull-pu

3、lledWhat did he do last week?Work in pairs:What did you do?I.talk about the pictures:What did you do last week?What else did you do?I watched cartoons.I visited the zoo.last weekWhat did you do last Sunday?What else did you do?I collected the eggs.I picked the oranges.last SundayWhat did you do yest

4、erday?What else did you do?I watched a film.I listened to the music.yesterdayWhat did you do this morning?What else did you do?I played football.I milked cows.this morningWhat did you do last week?What else did you do?I played volleyball.I cleaned the house.last weekSay a chant:What did,what didWhat

5、 did you do?Cooked,cookedI cooked some food.else,elseWhat else did you do?Watered,wateredI watered flowers写出下列词语的过去式:写出下列词语的过去式:ismilktastearewaterdanceampulldopickwaswerewasmilkedwateredpulledpickeddidtasteddanced*动词过去式一般的加ed。以不发音的e结尾直接加d。特殊变化需牢记。将下列句子变成过去式:1.It is on the desk._ just now.2.They are

6、 on the ground._ a moment ago.3.Jim pulls up carrots with his mother._ this morning.4.Where are you now._ last week.5.Do you milk cows on Sundays._ yesterday.It was on the deskThey were on the groundJim pulled up carrots with his motherWhere were youDid you milk cows用所给词语的适当形式填空:1.They _(visit)the f

7、arm last week.2.Where _(be)you yesterday?I _(be)in the park.3.Mikes mother often _(cook)a lot of nice food.4.Look,the farmer _(pull)up carrots.5.What _(do)you _(do)?6.Do you like _(milk)cows?visitedwerewascooksis pullingdiddomilkingHomework:1.Copy the words:2.cook food,collect eggs,milk cows,pick oranges,water flowers,taste oranges,pull up carrots3.Model:cook food cooked food 4.four times each.5.2.Finish the exercise in part C


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