六年级英语On the farm课件.ppt

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1、Unit 5 On the farm(The second period)water flowerscook foodtaste foodMr.Lia farmerWhat can he do on the farm?milk cowscollect eggspull up carrotspick orangesLook and guess Look and guess Look and guess Look and guess Look and guess Look and guess Look and guess 上个周末上个周末,李先生在农场工作的。李先生在农场工作的。Last week

2、end,Mr.Li worked on the farm.1.一般过去时是指过去发生的动作或处于的状态。一般过去时是指过去发生的动作或处于的状态。Last weekend,Mr.Li worked on the farm.Tue Sun.现在现在过过 去去将将 来来nowSat.Fri.Thur.Wed.Tues.Mon.Wed Sun.一般过去时一般过去时 2.一般过去时的句子中动词必须用动词的过去式。一般过去时的句子中动词必须用动词的过去式。Last weekend,Mr.Li worked on the farm.work worked (原形)(过去式)3.一般来说,动词的过去式是在动

3、词词尾加上一般来说,动词的过去式是在动词词尾加上ed。worked worked do did上个周末你干什么了?上个周末你干什么了?What did you do last weekend?(一般过去时)(过去式)I milked cows.milkmilked /t/What else did you do?你还干什么了?你还干什么了?I collected eggs and pulled up carrots.collectcollected /id/pullpulled /d/Last weekend,Miss Green and her students helped Mr.Li o

4、n the farm.What did they do?What did she do last weekend?She _.milkmilked /t/milked cowsWhat did he do last weekend?He _.collected eggscollectcollected /id/What did he do last weekend?He _.pulled up carrotspullpulled /d/What did he do last weekend?He _.tastetasted /id/What did she do last weekend?Sh

5、e _.tasted orangespicked orangespickpicked /t/waterwatered /d/watered flowersWhat did she do last weekend?She _.What did she do last weekend?She _.cooked foodcookcooked /t/Find friendsFind rules/t/id/d/milkedwateredcollectedcookedpulledtastedpickedvisitedplayedwashedwatchedlistenedcleaneddanceded的读音

6、规则的读音规则/t/t/t/d/d/d/id/在清辅音后读在清辅音后读/t/在浊辅音和元音后读在浊辅音和元音后读/d/在在/t/,/d/音后读音后读/id/washplayvisitlistendancecleanwatchThink and saycleanclean the bedroomcleaned the bedroomThe boy cleaned the bedroom.The boy cleaned the bedroom at home.The boy cleaned the bedroom at home last week.waterlistenplaywatchLast

7、 weekend I watered flowers,too.What did you do last weekend?上个周末你干什么了?上个周末你干什么了?What else did you do?你还干什么了?你还干什么了?Mike is telling Gao Shan about what he did last week.Practise in pairs.A:What did you do on?B:I A:What else did you do?B:I Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Do a survey.A:What did you do last weekend?B:I played the pianodancedlistened to musicwatered flowerscooked foodMiss CaiLi LiHe YiLast weekend,listened to played the Write down your surveys in a short paragraph like this:Last week,I ed.on Monday.I ed on Tuesday.I ed on


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