六年级英语What is the matter课件.ppt

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1、Whats the matter?Teacher:Miss Weiheadeararmhandstomachlegfooteyenosetoothmouthtwo feettwo teeth k arm _ back _ ear _ eye _ foot_ hand _ head _ leg _ mouth_ neck _ nose _stomach _ toothcgimalbfdjheWhats the matter?He has a cold.Whats the matter?=Whats the matter with you?Whats wrong?Whats the trouble

2、?Whats the matter?He has a stomachache.Whats the matter?He has a toothache.ache:疼痛疼痛 headache toothache earache heartache stomachache backacheWhats the matter with her?She has a sore throat.Whats the matter with her?She has a sore back.She has a sore throat.She has a sore back.sore:adj.疼痛的I have a s

3、ore throat.I have a sore back.He has a sore head.She has sore eyesNancy _ Sarah 1 David _Ben _ Judy_3254You should see a dentistYou should hot tea with honeyYou should lie down and restListen.Match the problems with the advice1.toothache a.lie down and rest2.sore throat b.hot tea with honey3.stomach

4、ache c.see a dentist4.fever d.drink lots of water 2aI have a 1.sore throat.You should drink some2._hot tea with honey I have a 3._.toothache You should4._.see a dentist I have a5._.stomachache You should 6._.lie down and rest I have a7._.fever You should 8._.drink lots of waterWork in groups.Three o

5、r four students are in a group.A doctor,a nurse and one or two patients.The doctor should give the patients some advices.Target language:A:Whats the matter?B:I have a headache.A:When did it start?B:About two days ago.Advice:You should take this medicine three times a day with hot water.You should eat less meat and more fruits and vegetables.Dont sleep too late.You should do exercise every day.You should take a walk after supper.


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