六年级英语What color is it课件.ppt

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1、WRJxQuFFBBCCGGMMRRA A B B C C D D .Z Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZA H J KB C D E G P T VF L M N S X ZI YOQ U WR ei e ai i:ju:Exercise 读下列每组字母和单词,含有相同元音音素的划“”号,不同的划“”。2.G J ()3.E pen ()4.map name ()5.Q blue ()1.A K()Tongue twisterTongue twister(绕口令)(绕口令):Its right to light the

2、 right light at night.The fat black cat met a bad rat under a black bed.a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y zs t u v w x y z1a 2b 3c 4d 5e 6f 7g 8h 9i 10j 11k 12l 13m 14n 15o 16p 17q 18r 19s 20t 21u 22v 23w 24x 25y 26zcolor3,15,12,15,187,18,5,5,14gre

3、enred18,5,42,12,21,52,12,1,3,11blueblacky llowbr np plep nkeowuriredblueblackyellowbrownpinkpurplegreenRed,red,a red bed.Green,green,a green tree.Blue,blue,a blue moon.Black,black,a blackYellow,yellow,a yellow Finish the chant:Red,red,a red .Black,black,a blackYellow,yellow,a yellowWhite,white,a whi

4、te.Make a chant:.1.A blackboard is 2.Coffee is 3.Snow is 4.Apples are5.Chinese jeeps are6.Linhais taxis are 7.Chinese mailbox is8.British mailbox is9.British brides(新娘)dress is10.Chinese brides(新娘)dress is11.Trees are12.A sheep is What color are they?A black sheep害群之马 ,败家子black tea骗子green eyedblack leg红茶黄色电影blue films眼红2.a white night()A.黑色的夜 B.不眠之夜 C.灯火通明 3.a blue Monday()A.高兴的星期一 B.幸运的星期一 C.倒霉的星期一 1.a green hand()A.老手 B.新手,生手 C.脏手 ABC


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