六年级英语what does he or she do课件.ppt

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1、What does she/he do?singerwriterTV reporteractoractressartistTV reportersingeractresssinger/writer/actressartistcookdoctornursesoldierteacherQ1:What does your father/mother do?He/She is a(an)Q2:What are you going to be?What do you want to be?Im going to be a(an)I want to be a(an)What does your fathe

2、r/mother do?He/She is a(an)namemotherfatheraccountantdriverpolicemansalespersonengineercleanerscientistbusinessmansportsmanWhat does she do?Where does she work?How does she go to work?She is an accountant.She works in a hospital.She goes to work by bike.What does he do?He is a salesperson.Where does

3、 he work?He works in a supermarket.How does he go to work?He goes to work on panyWhat does he do?Where does he work?How does he go to work?He is an engineer.He works in a company.He goes to work by bus.CCTV/BeijingWhat does he do?He is a TV reporter.Where does he work?He works in CCTV/Beijing.How do

4、es he go to work?He goes to work by car.What does she do?Where does she work/live?How does she go to work?She is an singer.She works/lives in Taiwan.She goes to work by car.What does he do?Where does he work/live?How does he go to work?He is a sportsman.He works/lives in the USA.He goes to work by car.What does your father/mother do?He/she is a(an)Where does he/she work?He/She works inHow does he/she go to work?He/She goes to work by


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