六年级英语what are you going to do课件1.ppt

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1、 11:30 Oct.13th18:00 Oct.13th16:35 Oct.13th Oct.14th22:00 Oct.13thOct.19thNov.20thFeb.15th 2007 Time Tunnel(时间隧道时间隧道)a magazineread a magazineIm going to read a magazine this afternoon.(我打算今天下午看本杂志我打算今天下午看本杂志.)this morning this afternoonthis eveningtomorrowtonightnext weekgo to the cinemaIm going to

2、 the cinema this evening.What are you going to do this evening?(6:30pm)take a tripthe Great Wallnext weekWhat are you going to do _?Im going to _.take a trip(去旅行)(下周下周)visitvisit my grandparents my grandparentsWhat are you going to do _?Im going to _.draw picturestomorrowthis morningPlay basketballt

3、ake photosWhat are you going to do Im going to_.this morningthis afternoon?tonightnext weektomorrow_ do the dishes do the dishesWhat are you going to do Im going to _.tonightnext weeknext Sunday?_Listen and repeat cook lunchIm going to cook lunch this morning.do the dishes do the dishesIm going to d

4、o the dishesthis evening.do the houseworkIm going to do the housework this afternoon.a magazineIm going to read a magazine tonight.go to the _Im going to the cinema tomorrow.Im going to play basketball next week.take a tripIm going to take a trip to Beijing next year.climb mountainsIm going to climb

5、 mountains next month.Lets listen,match and write What are you going to do Im going to take a trip.What about you?Hello,how are you?next week?Oh,really?Can I go with you?Sure,if you like.Its great.Lets take a trip to Hangzhou.Lets rememberMake a plan for what youre going to do and make the most use of time.That can make your lives better!(制订计划制订计划,充分利用好你的时充分利用好你的时间间,会让你的生活更美好!)会让你的生活更美好!)HomeworkWrite a schedule for yourselfthis eveningTonight TomorrowOn Saturday morningOn Saturday afternoonOn Saturday eveningOn SundayNext week


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