六年级英语The seasons课件11.ppt

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1、Unit 5Unit 5 牛津小学英语6BSpring is coming,spring is coming.Lets go climbing.Summer is coming,summer is coming.Lets go swimming.Autumn is coming,autumn is coming.Lets go camping.Winter is coming,winter is coming.Lets go skating.Sounds great.(听起来很棒)听起来很棒)A:Which season do you like best?B:I like best.A:Why

2、?B:Because its .I can .A:City/Town:Zhenjiang(镇江镇江)SeasonWeatherspring warm windy(平均气温平均气温15/22)summer hot rainy(平均气温平均气温20/34)autumn cool sunny(平均气温平均气温13/22)winter cold snowy(平均气温平均气温-4/10)Autumn is the best season in zhenjiang.苏苏 州州昆昆 明明哈哈尔尔滨滨Im going to I want to know about the weather in我将要去我将要去

3、 season WeatherCity :Suzhou Zhenjiangspringwarm rainy (平均气温平均气温17/25)warm windy(平均气温平均气温15/22)summerhot sunny(平均气温平均气温24/30)hot rainy(平均气温平均气温20/34)autumn cool sunny(平均气温平均气温13/22)cool sunny(平均气温平均气温13/22)wintercold windy(平均气温平均气温1/15)cold snowy(平均气温平均气温-4/10)In autumn,its as cool as in Zhenjiang.se

4、ason WeatherCity :Kunming Zhenjiangspringwarm sunny (平均气温平均气温17/25)warm windy(平均气温平均气温15/22)summerwarm rainy(平均气温平均气温20/27)hot rainy(平均气温平均气温20/34)autumnwarm windy(平均气温平均气温17/26)cool sunny(平均气温平均气温13/22)winterwarm rainy(平均气温平均气温15/24)cold snowy(平均气温平均气温-4/10)Its warm most of the time.season WeatherC

5、ity :Harbin Zhenjiangspringcold windy (平均气温平均气温8/15)warm windy(平均气温平均气温15/22)summerwarm sunny(平均气温平均气温24/30)hot rainy(平均气温平均气温20/34)autumnwarm rainy(平均气温平均气温15/20)cool sunny(平均气温平均气温13/22)wintercold snowy(平均气温平均气温-15/6)cold snowy(平均气温平均气温-4/10)In winter,its colder than in Zhenjiang.Su Yangs dad is g

6、oing to New York.He wants to know about the weather in New York.A:Does it often rain in(spring/summer/autumn/winter)in New York?B:Yes,it does.It often rains./No,it doesnt.It doesnt often rain.springsummer autumnwinterIts often in spring.rainyIt often rains.City:New YorkWhich season in New York do yo

7、u like best?Why?I like winter best.Because I can makesnowmen with my friends.Its in New York.Its and usually .Sometimes its .People like to in the countryside and .the best seasoncoolsunnywindygo to farmspick apples In New York,theres a lot of rain in _.The weather in summer is as _as in Nanjing.Aut

8、umn is the best _ in New York.Its _ and _.In winter its _ than in Nanjing.Dad,you need to buy some _ clothes.springhotseasoncoolsunnycolderwarmOur friend Ben is going to Zhenjiang next week.Would you please tell him the seasons in Zhenjiang?You can use these sentences:the best seasonmost of the time I like-best.Because its-I can-


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