六年级英语The seasons.ppt

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1、Yangzhuang primary school Gu YingNew York cityListen and answer some question:a.What does Su Yang want to know?b.Who is Su Yang asking?c.Who is going to New York next week?Su Yangs dad is going to New York next week.“be going to”means“将要将要”.Make sentences:他下周将要去北京。我明天将要去乡下。我们下周六要去野营。He is going to B

2、eijing net week.I am going to the countryside tomorrow.We are going to go camping next Saturday.coolsunnywindyhot coldwarmrainywinterautumnsummerspringListen and judge:a.The weather in New York is as hot as in Nanjing.()b.Autumn is the best season in New York.()c.People like to go to the farms in th

3、e countryside to pick the apples in spring.()d.Its rainy most of the time in spring.()e.Ben likes winter best.Because he can make snowman with his parents.()TTTFFLook,read and complete:In New York,theres a lot of rain in _,and most of the time,it is _.The weather in summer is as _ as in Nanjing.Autumn is the best _ in New York.Its _and _.Sometimes its _.In winter its _ than in Nanjing.Dad,you need to buy some _ clothes.springwarmhotseasoncoolcolderwindysunnywarmHomework:1.Read the text after the tape.2.Say something about the weather in your hometown.countryside


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