六年级英语The seasons课件4.ppt

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1、 姜堰市桥头中心小学 曹梅华Whats the weather like here?Its cloudywindysnowyrainysunnyspringsummerautumnwinterNew York (纽约纽约)will 相当于相当于 be going to 用来表示将要发生的事情用来表示将要发生的事情1、Who is going to New York?Su Yangs Dad.2、What does Su Yang want to know?She wants to know the weather there.3、Who is Su Yang asking for?She is

2、 asking Ben some questions about the weather in New York.1、Whats the weather like in summer in New York?2、What about autumn there?What do people like to do?3、Whats the weather like in spring in New York?4、Which season in New York does Ben like best?Why?5、Whats the weather like in winter there?1、What

3、s the weather like in summer in New York?2、What about autumn there?What do people like to do?3、Whats the weather like in spring in New York?4、Which season in New York does Ben like best?Why?5、Whats the weather like in winter there?In New York,theres a lot of rain in .The weather in summer is as as i

4、n Nanjing.Autumn is the best in New York.Its and .In winter its than in Nanjing.Dad,you need to buy some clothes.springhotseasoncoolsunnycolderwarmWhich season do you like best in Qiatou?I like Why?Because its I can Group work Homework:1.模仿录音,朗读对话。模仿录音,朗读对话。2.抄写本单元新单词和句型。抄写本单元新单词和句型。3.用英语描述我国不同城市的天气情况(四个用英语描述我国不同城市的天气情况(四个以上城市)。以上城市)。


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