六年级英语The seasons课件1.ppt

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1、springsummerautumnwinterspringsummerautumnwinterSeasonssunnywarmwindyfly kitesrainyhotgo swimmingcoolcloudygo campingcoldsnowymake snowmenSeason 1Season 2Season 3Season 4Guessing gameIt comes in March.The weather gets warmer and the days get longer.The trees are green.We often go rowing and fishing

2、in the park.Sometimes we fly kites in the countryside.SpringIt comes in September.The days get shorter and the nights get longer.It is cool but usually sunny.Sometimes we play football or basketball.AutumnIt comes in June.The days are long and the nights are short.It is always hot and it is often ra

3、iny.We usually go swimming with our friends.SummerIt starts in December.The days are short and the nights are long.It is cold and snowy.People put on warm clothes.We often make snowmen.Its great fun.Winter去慢跑去慢跑table tennisWhich season do you like best?I like Which season do you like best?I like Why

4、?Because its Why?Because its I can I can Which season do you like best?I like Why?Because its I can spring best.warm and windy.fly kites.Which season do you like best?I like Why?Because its I can summer best.hot and sunny.catch insects.Which season do you like best?I like Why?Because its I can autum

5、n best.cool and sunny.go camping.Which season do you like best?I like Why?Because its I can winter.cold and snowy.make snowmen.a snowmantwo snowmenDo a surveyNameSeasonWeatherActivityMs Yaoautumncoolgo for a walk in the parkThe seasons in a yearThere are four s_ in a year.They are s_,s_,a_ and w_.My

6、 friend Jim l_ spring best.Because it is often warm and w_ in spring.So he can f_ kites.Mike is a good swimmer.He likes summer b_.In summer the w_ is h_ and he can go s_ in rivers.W_ season do I like best?Yes,I like autumn best.Because I like going camping on c_ and sunny days.Ben and David like win

7、ter best.It is often cold and s_ in winter.Then they can make s_ and have snow ball fights.Exercise Oneeasonspringummerutumninterikes indylyesteatherotwimminghichoolnowynowmenExercise TwoLook at the pictures and complete the sentences.Which _ do you like best?I _ monkeys _.Why?Because they are good at _ _.animallikebestclimbing treesWhich festival _ he like best?He likes _ _ best.Why?_ he likes _ the beautiful moon.doesMid-autumn FestivalBecausewatching


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