六年级英语The seasons课件10.ppt

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1、Fun with English Book 6BUnit 5 The seasonsPeriod 2springsunnywarmcloudywindyrainyautumnsummerwinterhotcoolseasonsmake snowmenhave snowball fights Read and fill in the blanks.读38页课文前言,完成句子。Su Yangs dad is going to next week.He is going to there for one year.Su Yang wants to know about the there.She i

2、s .New York work weather asking Ben some questions about the weather in New York.听课文,回答问题。1.Whats the weather like there in summer?2.What about autumn there?3.Does it often rain there in spring?4.Whats the weather like in winter in New York?5.Which season in New York does Ben like best?1.Whats the w

3、eather like there in summer?Its usully very hot,as hot as in Nanjing.2.What about autumn there?Its the best season in New York.Its cool and usually sunny,sometimes its windy.Peopie like to go to farms in the countryside and pike apples.3.Does it often rain there in spring?Yes,it often rains,and its

4、warm most of the time.New York is very beautiful in spring.4.Whats the weather like in winter in New York?Its very cold there in winter.Its coider than in Nanjing.4.Which season in New York does Ben like best?He likes winter best.Why?Because he can make snowmen with my friends.Its great fun.The weather in New York is _ in spring.In summer,the weather is _.It is _in autumn.People can _.I like _ best,because I can _.Homework:1.Listen to the tape,read the text in correct voice and tone.2.Copy the new words and sentences.3.Describe the weather in different cities of China.


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